chapter 25

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Clark shuts the door and softly bangs his head on it.

"Damn it Clark..." he said to himself. Seeing her in distress made him feel awful. He wondered why that guy was bothering her. But he was glad that he was there to stop it. And seeing Ruby made his heart flutter all over again but he knows that he won't be with her.

"Clark! Come back to bed!" Mandy shouted from the bedroom.

Clark comes back to the room and lays down with Mandy. Clark's been very quiet yet again and Mandy couldn't take it anymore.

"Something wrong babe?" Mandy asked.

Clark removes her arms from his body.

"I thought you were leaving," Clark said.

"I never said when I was leaving," Mandy said with a laugh and then caresses his arm.

Clark takes her hand away from him.

"Look, nothing personal, but I think you should leave," Clark said.

"Aww, why? Are you feeling okay?" Mandy asked.

"Nothing is wrong. I'm fine." Clark says as he sits up on the front of the bed.

Mandy comes up from behind him again and snakes her arms around his waist.

"Come on, I know when my baby's upset. Just tell me." Mandy whispers in his ear before kissing the earlobe.

Clark shivers at her touch. But not the way he would if it were Ruby.

"Mandy...s-stop. And I-I'm not your baby." Clark uttered.

"I'm not stopping until you tell me what's wrong. And don't tell me it's about your phony lover Ruby." Mandy said.

Clark removes himself from Mandy's grip and stands up.

"Why do you always do this?" Clark asked.

"What are you talking about?" Mandy asked.

"Whenever I talk about Ruby, you just shut me up by seducing me," Clark said.

"Because Clark, you don't need her anymore. She was never good for you. And from what you told me, she's a psychopath! Hitting you with whips and tying you up. That's straight up abuse Clark. That is lust. You're too precious for that. I'm sure she can find some other guy to ruin. You should be thanking me, Clark. It could've gone so much worse if you stayed with her." Mandy said.

She moves closer to Clark and puts her hand on his shoulder.

"Let me show you how you're supposed to be loved," Mandy said.

"And how am I supposed to be loved, Mandy?" Clark asked.

"Like this," Mandy said.

She kisses him softly and runs her hands through his hair. They stumble their way to the bed. She bites his lip and Clark moans at the subtle pain. She pulls him on top of her.

"Mandy I don't know-" Clark started to say but Mandy interrupts.

"Yes, you do know. You want this. You want me." Mandy says as she helps Clark take off his shirt.

Mandy roams her hands all over his toned chest. She unbuttons his pants as a way of telling him to remove them. Clark gets her message and takes off his pants.

"Take my clothes off Clark," Mandy said with a smirk.

Clark smiles at her devilish smirk and does what he is told. He tugs on the hem of her shirt and pulls it off of her. He then pulls off her pants leaving her in her underwear. He steps back to take a look at her. Admiring her in her yellow bra and panties.

"You like what you see babe?" Mandy asked.

Clark nods and she moves her pointer finger in a "come here" motion. Clark climbs on top of her again and kisses her neck. He slides his hands from her stomach to her pussy. He rubs her through her panties.

"Oh Clark..." Mandy moans.

Clark then uses his other hand to reach up to her breast and squeezes it.

"Stop teasing Clark. Get your dick out." Mandy says as she sticks her hand in his boxers briefs and jerks him off. Clark bites his lip and pulls down his underwear.

"Lay down Clark," Mandy demanded.

Clark lays down on the bed and Mandy sees his dick standing and already hard. She pulls down her thong, climbs on top of him, and sinks onto him. They both moan at the feeling. She bounces up and down on him as she moans his name repeatedly.

"Clark....oh Clark...fuck..." Mandy moaned.

She grabs his hands and puts them on her covered breasts as she bounces harder.

"Oh my god, Mandy...that feels so good." Clark whimpered.

Mandy gets off of him and lays down on her back.

"Make love to me Clark," Mandy said seductively.

Clark gets on top of Mandy and enters himself into her. He does slow and soft strokes. Mandy pulls him closer to her body and she leaves small scratch marks on his back.

"That's it, baby...just like that." Mandy moaned.

Clark picks up the pace making the bed shake. Mandy wraps her legs around his waist making him go a little deeper.

"Oh yes...I think I'm gonna cum, Mandy." Clark said.

"Cum on me Clark. I want it all over all me." Mandy whimpered.

After a few more strokes, Clark slides out of her and jerks himself off until he releases all over her body. He collapses on the bed next to her as they both breathe heavily. Mandy holds his hand.

"You see? Wasn't that nice? You actually had a loving connection. No abuse. No degrading. Just love." Mandy said.

Clark couldn't say anything after that. Making love was nice to him, but it wasn't better than Ruby dominating him.

" was nice," Clark said.

Mandy snuggles up next to him and nuzzles her head into his neck.

"I promise you, Clark. Soon enough, you'll be over her in no time." She said.

Oh, Mandy...what are we gonna do with you? Any thoughts on her? Why is she doing this to him? How will Clark get rid of Mandy? When will Ruby and Clark reunite?
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