chapter 29

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After Alexa's encounter with Mandy. She decided to invite Ruby over to her place to tell her what went down.

"This is fucking insane," Ruby said.

"I know right! And the bitch said, and I quote: When I'm through with that demon, he'll never wanna be with her ever again." Alexa said.

"Well, that sounds like a threat to me," Ruby said.

"I know! And Ruby, I swear to you I'll beat her ass before you do. I wanted to drag her out of that shop and just end her life." Alexa said.

"Calm down sweetie. What else did she say?" Ruby asked.

"Well, to be honest, it sounded like she was kink shaming you. She made you sound like a sexual abusive freak." Alexa said.

"Well, she is out of her damn mind. I'm far from that. Yes, I like to inflict a little pain here and there but if it gets too much, I'll obviously stop. And I mean, Clark likes it. He never complained at all. And if she thinks the floggers are terrible, she clearly hasn't seen my closet." Ruby said.

"Ain't that the truth. You have some pretty wild shit in here. I can only imagine what Clark might think about it." Alexa said.

"I don't even wanna talk about him right now," Ruby said.

"Come on Red. I know you still love him. And I know that you'll do anything for him." Alexa said.

"I mean....that's true. But maybe she's-"

Alexa interrupts Ruby.

"That bitch is not right! She does not know shit about you, Ruby! I refuse to sit here and let you doubt yourself. You and Clark and perfect for each other. You know, before you even told me you guys were seeing each other. I saw a whole different side of you. You became a little softer than usual. Your smile became wider. Your skin was glowing. Your attitude in general was just different in a good way. And I understand that there's a conflict between you two. But if you don't do something about it. You're gonna regret it. And I know my best friend will go after anything because she's not afraid of what comes her way." Alexa said.

Ruby smiles big from ear to ear.

"Why do you always go all sentimental on me?" Ruby asked.

"Because I fucking love you, Ruby. Now you either do what you gotta do or let it go." Alexa said.

Ruby got up from her couch.

"I gotta do what I gotta do." She said.

Alexa claps her hands out of excitement.

"You go, girl! Fight for your man!!" Alexa said.

Ruby laughs as they say their goodbyes and she leaves.


She heads back to her apartment and as she approaches her door, she sees Clark about to knock.

"Clark," Ruby said to get his attention.

Clark turns around and tries hard not to smile.

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