chapter 17

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For a whole week, Ruby never left her apartment. She would wake up, cry, eat, drink wine, watch TV, cry again, then sleep. She's been calling off work, ignoring phone calls, and just being depressed constantly. She beat herself up mentally for waiting too long. Seeing Clark with Mandy tore her apart. Now she's in the living room eating her third tub of cookie dough ice cream watching some cliche Lifetime movie. The type of movie where you know exactly what's gonna happen but you just watch it to kill time.

"He's obviously gonna kill her...." Ruby said to herself. Making her own commentary at the movie.

There was a knock on the door followed by Alexa's voice.

"Ruby! I know you're in there! Just open the door please!" She said.

"Go away, Alexa." Ruby groaned.

And Alexa unlocks the door and walks in.

"I rather not. I'm very glad you gave me a spare key." She said.

"Why are you here?" Ruby asked.

"Because you have been ignoring me for a week and judging by your puffy eyes and messy hair, I can see why. Who hurt you?" Alexa said.

"I did..." Ruby said.

"Oh come on now. That's not good enough. What happened Ruby? Was it William? Was it Derrick?" Alexa asked.

'I've been lying to you." Ruby said.

"What are you talking about?" Alexa asked.

"Remember when I asked you that question during brunch?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah, I remember," Alexa said.

"Well...the truth is...uh...." Ruby struggled to find the words.

"Ruby, what is it?" Alexa asked.

"Well about me and Clark... we have been seeing each other for the past 5 months and he told me he loved me last month," Ruby said.

"I...fucking...knew it!!!!" Alexa said.

"You did?" Ruby asked.

"Of course!! Why do you think I set up these dates? Because I wanted to see if you would go through them! Even though you did, I knew something was up between you guys! Because your reaction was always so hesitant and you be a bit closed off to other men. So what's the issue?" Alexa asked.

"Well...when he told me he loved me, I didn't know what to say. So I kinda left it at that." Ruby said.

"So you avoided him?" Alexa asked.

"I guess you can say that...but now I know that was a huge mistake. Because last week, I was gonna tell him I feel the same way, but when I knocked on his door, another girl opened it." Ruby said.

"No fucking way!! You think they had sex?" Alexa asked.

"I'm pretty sure they did. She was wearing his shirt and I can clearly see her thong through the shirt." Ruby says as she tries not to cry. Her voice begins to crack.

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