chapter 48

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4 months later...
After talking to Baron, Ruby felt at peace. She had finally diffused the rivalry between them. And speaking about the incident just made her feel even better. No more bad flashbacks. No more tears. No more being afraid. She was beginning to feel like herself again. Clark had finally decided to move into Ruby's apartment and give his apartment to Xavier. They've been watching the news about Baron's arrest together in the living room just relaxing. Ruby's legs lay on Clark's lap as he lays his head on her chest.

" that was him?" Clark asked.

"Yep," Ruby said.

"I can't believe he actually helped us. I mean that was nice of him to do that but I still feel bad..." Clark said.

"You don't have to. It's all over now. It's just you and me." Ruby said.

Clark rubs her smooth legs and looks into her eyes.

"You're doing it again," Ruby said.

"Doing what?" Clark asked.

"You're giving me that look," Ruby said.

"What look?" Clark asked.

"Like you're falling in love with me all over again or something," Ruby said.

"Is that such a bad thing?" Clark asked.

"No, not at all! But you've been doing that quite frequently." Ruby said.

"I have?" Clark asked.

"Yeah. What's going on?" Ruby asked.

"Nothing. I just...I just love you." Clark said.

"I love you too," Ruby said.

Ruby gets a text from Alexa:

Hey gurl! Are you free to hang today??

"Is that Alexa?" Clark asked.

"Yeah. She wants to hang." Ruby said.

"You should go!" Clark said.

"But I wanna stay with you, babe!" Ruby says as she pulls him closer to her body.

"I'll be fine by myself," Clark said.

"You sure?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah. You need a girl's day out!" Clark said.

"Okay then! I promise I'll be back in 2 hours." Ruby said.

"You can be gone the whole day. Go have fun!" Clark said with a chuckle.

"Okay!" Ruby said.

Ruby texts Alexa back.

I'm free!! What do you have in mind?

Alexa texts back right away.

Just be ready in about 15 minutes and I'll pick you up!

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