chapter 27

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During that same night, Ruby was in her apartment watching TV eating some Chinese takeout, and sipping on some red wine. It was a simple time for her. No stress, no drama, no men. Well, that was all about to end soon when she heard a knock on the door. Ruby mentally groans out of annoyance and walks up the door.

"Who is it?" Ruby asked.

No response. She looked through the peephole and rolls her eyes.

"Baron, why the fuck are you here again?" Ruby asked.

"Can we talk Ruby? This rivalry is getting out of hand and I just want to end it." Baron said through the door.

"Ain't no rivalry Baron. I just want you out of my life. We did what we did. It's over." Ruby said.

"But I don't want to be out of your life. I just.....can you just open the door?" Baron asked.

Ruby sighs out of defeat and opens the door.

"This is the third time I'm letting you in my place. This better be good." Ruby said.

Baron walked in and sat on her living room couch. Ruby stands from across Baron with her arms folded and a mean yet calm look on her face.

"Can you stop giving me that look? You're scaring me." Baron said.

"So it's working. Great." Ruby said.

"Ruby....please. I just wanna talk to you. Just come sit next to me." Baron said.

"I'm good right here. Start talking." Ruby said.

"Ruby...I know that you still hate me and I don't know why. I will admit that it was wrong for me to call you a bitch and talked all of that nonsense. I was just acting like a complete asshole and I wanted to get something out of you. Seeing you after we broke up made me feel like shit. I wasn't right without you. While we were broken up, I tried everything to forget about you but nothing worked. Nobody ever made me feel happy like you did. I always thought that I just felt depressed but seeing you now have made me realize how much I've missed you...." Baron said.

Ruby claps her hands slowly.

"Wow. Beautiful speech. Had me there for a second but overall, it didn't work." Ruby said.

"Why the fuck do you always act like this?" Baron asked.

"Act like what? A bitch? Newsflash buddy, I'm not the 18-year-old Ruby from high school. I'm grown and I stopped giving a shit. Like I said, people change for the better. And I don't think you changed at all." Ruby said.

Baron gets up from the couch and walks closer to Ruby.

"Come on Ruby, are you telling me that you're holding a silly grudge that happened to us in high school? That's ridiculous." Baron said.

"You know, I really wasn't at all. But now that you keep coming back like a fucking pest, it's coming back." Ruby said.

He moves even closer to Ruby and he backs her up into the wall.

"If you don't back away from me, I'm gonna beat your ass." Ruby threatened.

Baron chuckles.

"Come on, we know you couldn't do that if you tried." He says as he quickly grabs her hands and pins them above her head.

Ruby gasps out of surprise and tries to wiggle out of his grip.

"Baron we are not doing this bullshit again. Let me go right now." Ruby demanded.

"I rather not. You threatened to beat my ass so I'm gonna stay here." Baron said.

Ruby struggles again to free herself and she started to groan out of frustration.

"Baron, I swear if you don't let me go I will fucking scream!!" Ruby shouted.

Baron shuts her up with a rough kiss. He uses one hand to keep her pinned to the wall and his other hand to slightly wrap around her throat.

"Baron stop..." Ruby whimpered through the kiss.

"No Ruby. I want you. Right here. Right now. Let's make this right between us. I'm done fighting." Baron said.

He kisses her neck and grabs her leg to wrap it around his waist.

"Baron stop it please..." Ruby said.

"Why? Don't you want to end this?" Baron asked.

"I do but us having sex isn't gonna solve anything," Ruby said.

"But it does make up for lost time," Baron said with a wink.

"I'm not gonna tell you again. Get off of me right now." Ruby demanded.

Baron smirks at her.

"You don't want me to do that," Baron said.

"I'm serious. Get. Off." Ruby said.

And then Ruby finally manages to escape his grasp and pushes him hard enough for him to stumble.

"GET OUT NOW!!! LEAVE!!" Ruby screamed as she kept throwing punches at his chest.

Baron doesn't budge at her hits but he backs away from her.

"GET OUT OF MY APARTMENT!!" Ruby screamed.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Baron asked.

"You! You're the problem!! I keep thinking that you're gonna actually apologize to me but it's all a fucking act! You don't care about me! You never bothered to speak to me until now! And when we do speak, all you wanna do is have sex. I should've never hooked up with you because now you won't leave me the hell alone. You were just some dick that I need to keep my mind off of someone. It wasn't love Baron. Not even lust. You were just a fuck. And I'm sorry that I sound like a total bitch but I'm letting you know right now. If you're trying to win me back, it's not working and it was never gonna work." Ruby said.

"Wow....that's how you really feel?" Baron asked.

"Yes. Every single word." Ruby said.

"Okay....then I'll just leave. I'm sorry that I've been a bother." Baron said.

"Thank you," Ruby said.

Ruby leads him out of the door and he walks to the elevator. Before she can walk back in. Baron calls her.

"Ruby?" He asked.

"Yes?" Ruby responded.

"I never wanted you back." He says as he gets in the elevator to leave.

So....where do things stand with Baron and Ruby now? Is this the last time we see Baron? Was Ruby overreacting or not? By the way, if you have ideas for the story you can message me! I'm lowkey running out of ideas.
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