chapter 8

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Ruby grabs Clark's hand and leads him to her playroom.

Clark's throat suddenly got dry. He was a little frightened of what might happen to him. But whatever it was, he'll do it for her.

"Now I don't want to force you to do something that you don't wanna do. If it gets too much, the safeword is blue." Ruby said.

Clark chuckles. "I thought it'd be red."

Ruby giggles "I figured you'd say strip for me. But leave your underwear on." She said.

"Yes, Miss Ruby," Clark says as he begins to slowly remove his clothing down to his boxers.

"Is that good Miss Ruby?" Clark asked.

"It's very good. Now I want you to bend over that bench." Ruby said.

"Okay, Miss Ruby," Clark says as he bends over the leather bench.

Ruby then grabs a blindfold and handcuffs from the wall.

"Are you gonna use those on me, Miss Ruby?" Clark asked.

"Yes, I am baby. Be a good boy for me, okay?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, Miss Ruby," Clark said.

She takes off his glasses to put the blindfold on him and cuffs his hands behind his back. She runs her nails down his back and kisses his shoulder blades.

"Now I'm gonna give you some spanks. If it becomes too much, you just say the word." Ruby said.

"Okay," Clark said.

Ruby grabs her black flogger and whips it against his back. Clark jumps and hisses a little.

"Did that hurt?" Ruby asked.

"No....not at all. You can continue."
Clark said.

Ruby pulls down his boxers.

"Count them out," Ruby said.

"Okay, Miss Ruby," Clark said.

Ruby begins to use the flogger on his ass.


"One...." Clark uttered.



















"Good boy," Ruby said.

Clark was rock hard now. Those spanks turned him on so much.

"What else are you gonna do Miss Ruby?" Clark asked.

"Just'll see," Ruby said.

She uncuffs him and lays him down on the floor. She sees his dick standing tall. Seeing him all hard made her want to demolish him. She teases him by jerking him off.

"Let me do all the work baby," Ruby said.

Clark's body shakes and he bites his lip. "Yes, Miss Ruby." He said.

Ruby gets on top of him and sinks onto him. She moaned at the feeling of the stretch. For a shy guy, he was packing.

"Oh, shit...." Ruby moaned.

She moved her hips in a figure 8 motion and Clark groans in pleasure.

"Fuck Miss Ruby....let me touch you please," Clark begged.

Ruby leans forward and whispers in his ear. "You are forbidden to see or touch me unless I say so. Okay?" She asked.

"Yes, Miss Ruby. I'm sorry" Clark said.

"Good boy," Ruby said.

She continues to ride him while they both moan in pure bliss. Ruby loved seeing him pinned down under her begging and pleading for a single touch. This is what she's been waiting to do. And for Clark, he couldn't believe he was with her at this very moment. He never thought that he would meet someone like her.

Clark's dick begins to twitch inside of her.

"I'm gonna fucking cum..." Clark said.

"You wanna cum on me?" Ruby asked.

"Y-Yes please," Clark said.

She uncuffs him and takes the blindfold off of him. Clark stands up and then she gets on her knees and jerks him off.

"Cum for me Clark...give it to me," Ruby says while sticking her tongue out.

And then Clark finally releases all in her mouth and all over her breasts and lets out a sexy whimper.

They both collapse on the floor and while breathing really heavily. Clark lays his head on Ruby's chest.

"Wow....that was fucking amazing," Clark said.

"It sure was," Ruby said.

"Can I stay the night?" Clark asked.

"You don't even have to ask sweetie. Come on. Let's go to bed." Ruby said.

They leave her playroom, get cleaned up, and get into bed. Clark snuggles up next to her and Ruby plays with his fluffy hair as he falls asleep like an adorable puppy. And then she falls asleep too.

This has been one hell of a night.

Okay! This came way sooner than I thought. Sorry I had you guys waiting!! I'm gonna take my ass to sleep now! Goodnight!

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