chapter 11

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It was 11:17 am and Clark had already left before Ruby had woke up. But he made sure to leave a sweet note before he left. Ruby wakes up and stretches her arms out and lets out a soft yawn. She reaches over to the side of the bed and notices half of the bed was empty. She frowns a little but then notices the note Clark left on her nightstand:

"Thank you for making me the happiest person alive and becoming my love and best friend."

Ruby smiled at the note. It was so simple and yet it was just so adorable to her. She hugs her pillow and smells his scent on it.

Ruby's phone suddenly starts to ring. She checks the caller ID and sees that it's Alexa.

Phone Convo

R: Hello?

A: Rise and shine sweetheart!!!

R: Why the hell are you so loud?

A: Well good morning to you too haha. What's got you upset? I thought Clark would be with you right now.

R: Well he's not here. He left last night.

A: nothing happened after I left?

R: Why do you wanna know about us so bad?

A: Because I know something is going on!!! You just won't tell me.

R: Well I can guarantee you that Clark and I are good friends....even if we went on a fancy date.

A: Yeah right. Last time I checked, a friend treats their other friend to a nice restaurant and gives them flowers.

R: And your point is?

A: Clark likes you obviously!!

R: He does not!

Next thing you know, Alexa bursts into Ruby's room.

"Yes, the hell he does!!" Alexa said.

Ruby tries to hide her body under the bedsheets because she still wasn't fully clothed after last night.

"What the fuck Alexa? How'd you get in my house?" Ruby asked.

Alexa waves her key in her face that she gave her when she first moved in.

"Did you forget that you gave me a spare key?" Alexa asked.

"Clearly, I made a big mistake," Ruby said.

"Oh hush up. You know you love me! So come you're naked?" Alexa asks as she smirks at her.

"What? A girl can't sleep naked in her own home?" Ruby asked.

Alexa then notices the note on the nightstand.

"Oh, what's this?" Alexa asked.

She reaches for the note but Ruby quickly grabs it before she can.

"It's nothing. Just a reminder I wrote down for myself." Ruby said.

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