chapter 37

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Infuriated. There was no other word that could describe how Ruby was feeling. She had seen what exactly Mandy might be capable of. Seeing Clark terrified shattered her heart into pieces. The last thing she would want is to see him upset in any kind of manner. She was not going to take this anymore. She had to talk to somebody. Somebody to help him and her. Mostly him. Right now, she's with her father Johnathan at her parents' house.

"So kiddo, what's going on with you?" Johnathan asked.

"Oh, nothing really," Ruby said.

"Are you sure? You seem very tense." Johnathan said.

"Do I? Well, I feel just fine," Ruby said.

"Ruby, I know when you're upset," Jonathan said.

"Ugh okay fine.'s all terrible." Ruby said.

"Why? Is everything alright with you?" Johnathan asked.

"I'm fine's Clark. He's in trouble." Ruby said.

"What do you mean? Is he okay?" Johnathan asked.

"No, dad. He's not. His life could be at risk at the moment." Ruby said.

"Woah...this is sounding very dark right now. Tell me everything." Johnathan said.

"Well remember when I mentioned that I wanted to confess my feelings for Clark and there was a woman with him?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah. What about her?" Johnathan asked.

"You see....apparently before we got together, she's been manipulating him. Telling him that he deserves better and that I'm no good for him. Obviously, he disregarded everything she said to be with me which is good..but then he got a threatening letter from her. It was almost like a warning before she strikes.....and I don't know what to do dad.." Ruby said with her eyes watering up.

"Oh, Ruby...that's terrible. I didn't this would happen to him." Johnathan said.

"I don't want to lose him...I just got him back in my life." Ruby said.

"You will not lose him, Ruby. We're gonna figure something out." Johnathan said.

"How? She's probably plotting a whole damn plan by now...." Ruby said.

"I got it!" Johnathan exclaimed.

"What is it?" Ruby asked.

"I have a friend named Xavier. He's a private investigator. And I'm sure he can watch over him to make sure he doesn't get hurt or kidnapped." Johnathan said.

"'s like a witness protection program?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah! And he can also try and track her down." Johnathan said.

"I don't know dad. This may not work." Ruby said.

"Look, Xavier's been doing this for ten years. Unless she's some mastermind criminal,  I'm sure he can do this." Johnathan said.

"Well, we don't know what she's capable of dad," Ruby said.

"And Xavier can handle anything. I know he can." Johnathan said.

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