chapter 20

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Ruby was working yet another shift at Moonshine.

"Here you go, ma'am. You have a great night." Ruby says as she hands the customer her ordered drink.

"Thank you! You do the same!" The lady said.

Ruby continues to wipe down the counter and dry up glasses with a clean rag. Anything to keep her mind off Clark. She was still a little upset that Clark started to grow distant from her. But she can only blame herself. She knows for a fact he's probably happy with Mandy. She just wants him to be happy. Her thoughts were interrupted by a man's voice.

"Excuse me, but you wouldn't happen to know where I can find my bright red gem." The voice said.

She froze. There was only one person in her life that called her that. She turns around and almost had a heart attack.

"Oh my god...Baron?" Ruby asked.

"Ruby Anderson. It's been so long. How are you?" Baron asked.

"I've been doing okay. What are you doing here in New York?" Ruby asked.

"Oh, I'm just in the city for a month. Visiting a friend. How you like living here?" Baron asked.

"It's nice. I'm happy I came here." Ruby said.

"That's good. You look great by the way. Beautiful than ever." Baron said.

"Thank you. You look good too. I guess high school changed the both of us....hopefully for the better." Ruby said.

"Yeah....hey listen, do you think we can talk after you get off work? I think we have some unfinished business to take care of." Baron said.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ruby said.

"Come on Ruby, you know exactly what I'm talking about. We ended things on horrible terms and I just want to clear the air between us." Baron said.

Ruby sighs out of defeat.

"Okay. Closing time is in about 20 minutes. Just hang out here for a while and we can talk when everyone's gone." Ruby said.

"Alright cool," Baron said.

20 minutes later...

"Okay. Start talking Baron." Ruby says as she cleaning up her station.

"Okay look. I understand I was being a complete paranoid jackass. When I heard you were moving to New York, I didn't know what to expect. We were in a really good relationship in high school and you moving away just broke it. How was I supposed to keep being in a relationship with someone that is miles away from me? I loved you, Ruby. I really did. And the way I ended us was just so wrong. But I promise you, that is not me anymore and you know that. I never treated you badly...well until senior year. To make a long story short, I'm very sorry. I never wanted to hurt you like that Ruby. I cared for you. I knew everything about you. And I even took your vir-"

Ruby interrupts Baron.

"I'm gonna stop you right there. Yes, you indeed took my virginity and yes it was nice. But now I don't know what to believe anymore. How can I get you to understand that you really crushed me? We were in such an amazing relationship and you fucked it up with your dumb ass suspicions about me cheating." Ruby said.

"I'm sorry. I know it was stupid. I really do. What can I do to at least have you stop hating me?" Baron asked.

"Oh don't worry. I stopped hating you a while ago. I just don't bother to think about you or even acknowledge you. And obviously, I can't avoid you now because we're talking. Why the hell did I even agree to have this conversation? I was supposed to ignore you." Ruby said.

"That's because you still care about me! You still have a tiny piece of love for me. I mean, after all, I was your first love. And you never forget your first love." Baron said.

"Well ain't that the damn truth. How could I ever forget the guy who not only was my first love, but also my first time and my first heartbreak? Thanks for the splendid memories pal." Ruby said.

"Ruby, seriously can't you just talk to me like an adult and stop acting like a bitch?" Baron said with an aggressive tone.

Ruby comes from behind the counter and gets in his face.

"What the fuck did you call me?" Ruby asked.

"You heard me. I called you a bi-"

Ruby silences him with a harsh slap to the face.

"This is exactly why I'm glad I'm not with you anymore. You claimed that you changed but you're still that fucking prissy asshole that everyone thought was so cool in high school. And I'm glad you dumped me the way you did. Because if you hadn't done that, I would've never found my true self." Ruby said.

"And what is your true self?" Baron asked.

"You wouldn't wanna know. And you'll never know." Ruby said.

"No seriously. What are you talking about?" Baron asked.

"Let's just say I don't take shit from men like you anymore. I've dealt with some other guy that is just like you. Both of you always think some bitch is gonna bend over for your ass so you can fuck her. I am not that bitch anymore. I will never be that bitch." Ruby said.

Baron stands up from the barstool, looks her dead in the eye. And then wraps his hand around her throat and pushed her against the bar. Ruby struggles to get him off of her but Baron smashes his lips against hers. He grabs her ass and lifts her up on the counter. He slips some tongue and Ruby slightly moans. They pull away with their foreheads pressed against each other.

"I don't know where this new Ruby came from, but I like it. I like it a lot." Baron says as he unbuttons Ruby's pants.

"I fucking hate you, Baron," Ruby said.

"I know. So let's fuck the friction out of each other." Baron said.

"After this, I don't wanna hear about this again. Deal?" Ruby asked.

"Deal," Baron said.

All Ruby could think of was how much she was gonna regret this in the morning. you're really gonna hate me. I'm sorry!! I had to piss y'all off! I just love getting you riled up!!
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