chapter 21

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Ruby wakes up in her bed in complete disgust. She couldn't believe what she had done. Was it out of anger? Out of spite? Or was it just some selfish thing to do? She just wasn't thinking at all.

She gets up from her bed but is immediately pulled back down by a pair of strong arms.

"Mmmm...don't leave me," Baron says half asleep.

"Ugh. I thought you left already." Ruby said.

"No way. After last night, there was no way I could leave you." Baron said.

"Well, you need to leave Baron," Ruby says as she pulls away from his grip and puts on her robe.

"Aww, but why? That love making session was amazing that I don't wanna leave." Baron said with a smirk.

"Baron, we did not make love. We fucked. That's all it was." Ruby said.

"Well, are you sure? All those precious moans you were making last night said differently." Baron said.

"Don't flatter yourself. I've had better. Trust me." Ruby said.

"Oh, so you've been screwing these New York guys?" Baron asked.

"Yeah. And what? It's not like you'd care." Ruby said.

"Were they better than me?" Baron asked.

"Seriously Baron? I'm not about to answer this stupid question." Ruby said.

"Just answer it," Baron said.

"No. Can't you just leave already? I've been awake for 5 minutes and you're already pissing me the fuck off." Ruby said.

Baron bites his lip as he stares her down.

"Damn, I love it when you cuss at me." He said.

"Fuck you," Ruby said.

"I would love to go for a second round, Ruby. As a matter of fact, how about we go for the shower?" Baron asked with a chuckle.

"No, seriously. Fuck. You. And you know that's not what I meant. Get out now." Ruby said.

"Alright alright. Geez." Baron says as he gets out of bed and puts on his clothes.

"And remember, I don't ever wanna speak about this ever again," Ruby said.

"Chill out. I'll keep quiet about it." Baron said.

"Good. Now go." Ruby said.

"Wow. I don't get a proper goodbye? That's really cold." Baron said.

"Oh my god! Get the hell out!" Ruby shouted as she's pushing him out of the bedroom and towards the front door.

"What is your problem?" Baron asked as he's laughing at her.

"You're annoying the shit out of me and I want you to leave," Ruby said.

"Well, you got your hands on me meaning you don't want me to leave," Baron said.

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