chapter 14

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8:30 pm
Clark and Ruby were in his car driving around the city. He had told her that he wanted to take her somewhere special.

"Where are we going, Clark?" Ruby asked.

"A place," Clark said.

"Clark!" Ruby whined.

"It's a place," Clark says with a little smirk.

"Don't smirk at me like that," Ruby said.

"What? I don't know what you mean." Clark says in a playful tone.

"You know exactly what I mean," Ruby said.

"Well if it makes you feel better, we are here," Clark says as he pulls up to a big fancy building.

"Edison Ballroom? Why are we here?" Ruby asked.

"I-I thought it'd be fun!" Clark said.

"But it's closed, Clark. We can't get in there." Ruby said.

"Who said we couldn't? Follow me." Clark says as he grabs Ruby's hand and leads her to the back entrance. He knocks on the door three times and some random man opens it.

"Alright, it's all yours!" The man said.

"Thanks! I owe you one." Clark says as he leads Ruby inside of the building.

"You know that guy?" Ruby asked.

"Totally. I went to high school with him." Clark says as they finally enter the ballroom.

Ruby was in complete awe of the atmosphere around her.

"Oh wow. It's beautiful Clark." Ruby said.

"I know right? And with the help of my friend, I was able to have the ballroom to ourselves tonight." Clark said.

"You actually did this? For me?" Ruby asked.

"O-of course. I wanted to do something special." Clark said.

He moves closer to Ruby and holds her hands.

"I know we're not official yet but at least I can try to make it feel like we are. I just want this night to be special for us." Clark said.

Ruby couldn't help but smile and blush a little. She looks down at her feet and giggles.

"Oh wow. I never thought you really felt that way." Ruby said.

"Well, I do. We've known each other for 4 months now. Almost 5. I just really like you." Clark said.

"I like you too Clark," Ruby said.

"So...what songs did say you that you like again? That you would love to slow dance to?" Clark asks as he's walking to the DJ booth.

"That one song by Paul Anka. Put Your Head on my Shoulder. That's a classic." Ruby said.

Clark smiles. "Well, it looks like I really have been paying attention a lot." He presses a button and a familiar tune fills up the empty ballroom.

Clark walks back to Ruby and holds his hand out.

"May I have this dance ma'am?" Clark asked.

Ruby puts her hand in his.

"Yes, you may." She said.

Clark leads her to the middle of the dancefloor. He puts his right hand on her waist and his left hand in Ruby's right hand. And Ruby has her left hand on Clark's shoulder. They sway from side to side to the music and Ruby was surprised with Clark's confidence all of a sudden. This was new to her. She thought she would have to do something like this for him. But she didn't question it.

Then Clark leans closer to Ruby's ear and softly sings the lyrics.

"People say that love's a game, a game you just can't win..."

Ruby follows along with him.

"If there's a way, I'll find it someday..."

Then they both sing the next line.

"And then this fool will rush in..."

Ruby does exactly what the song says and she puts her head on his shoulder as they continue to dance together.

When the last seconds of the song are played, Clark twirls her around and kisses her softly.

"How was that?" Clark asked.

"Wonderful," Ruby said.

They dance to more slow love songs and they leave the ballroom to go home. They walk up to Ruby's apartment door.

"I had fun tonight, Clark. I felt like such a queen in the ballroom." Ruby said.

"Well, you are a queen. You should feel like one." Clark said.

"You always know how to flatter a girl," Ruby said.

"A woman. I know how to flatter a woman." Clark says and he grabs her hand and kisses the back of it. "Goodnight Ruby." He said.

"Goodnight Clark," Ruby said.

Ruby watches Clark as he heads to his apartment. Then she enters her own apartment, turns on the light to see an envelope on the floor with her name written on it. She gives a confused look at it and picks it up and opens it to read it:

Hey! It's Clark. By the time you see this, you just got back home from an amazing date! First off, don't ask how I got the letter here. A magician never reveals his secrets ;) And second, I wrote this letter to tell you something important. I couldn't bring myself to tell you this myself. I would have literally died if I told you this in person. I should stop rambling and just tell you what's on my mind. I cannot stop thinking about you. These 4 months have meant a lot to me. I am just so happy that you are in my life. You are just so damn beautiful. Your soft brown skin, dark brown eyes, curly black hair, lovely smile, caring heart, and your dominance just tops it all off. You've hypnotized me, Ruby. And I surrender. I fucking love you. There I said it. I love you. I know it's a bit early to tell you this but I couldn't hold it anymore. If you don't feel the same way then you don't have to tell me. But please don't be distant from me. I can't lose you. I hope you have a goodnight's sleep. XOXO

Ruby stares at the note in shock. Clark's in love with Ruby and she doesn't know what to do.

He dropped the L bomb!!! How will Ruby confront him about it? Will she feel the same way? Did he ruin their connection?
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