chapter 46

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(Slight mention of rape.)

Xavier breaks down the door, and multiple police officers surround Mandy.

"Drop the gun, Ms. Deville," Xavier said.

"No!" Mandy said.

Officer Brooks knocks the gun out of Mandy's hand and grabs her.

"Let go of me!!!" Mandy shouted."

"Take her away!!" Xavier demanded.

The rest of the police officers take her out of the house.

"Are you okay, Clark? What did she do to you?" Xavier asked.

"She just smacked me around. That's all..." Clark said while looking down.

"Clark?....What did she do?" Ruby asked.

"She...she raped me," Clark said.

"She what?" Xavier asked.

"She...she had me tied to a chair and...a-and she just forced herself onto me," Clark said with tears in his eyes and holding on to himself.

"I'm gonna fucking kill her," Ruby said.

Ruby tries to go after Mandy, but Clark grabs her and pulls her back to hold her.

"No, Ruby. Don't...just stay here," Clark said.

"Okay, babe," Ruby said while wrapping her arms around him.

"Don't worry, Clark, we'll ensure she's in that cell for a long time," Xavier said.

"Thank you...I just...I can't believe she would do this," Clark said while crying.

"Shhh, it's okay, baby. It's all over now." Ruby said as she held him tighter.

"Should we take you to therapy?" Xavier asked.

"No. I just wanna be with Ruby now," Clark said.

"Alright, well, you guys head on home. I got this. We're gonna need a medic for this guy knocked out on the ground," Xavier said.

"He's knocked out?" Clark asked.

"Yes. Knocked out cold. What happened?" Xavier asked.

"I punched him..." Clark said.

"You did that?" Xavier asked.

"Yes sir," Clark said.

"Well done!" Xavier said.

"Yeah saved us," Ruby said.

"Well, I had to. There was no way I was gonna let her get between us." Clark said.

Clark hugs Ruby tightly.

"Now can we leave this place? It's creeping me out." Clark said.

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