chapter 28

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Alexa was working at the front desk of her own hair salon. She books appointments or when she's not busy, she does other people's hair herself. It's a pretty popular shop around the town so it never gets boring.

"Alexa! I'm going on break!" One of her employees said.

"Alrighty! I'll fill in your spot sweetheart." Alexa said.

"Thanks, boss!" She said as she leaves the shop to go get some lunch.

As soon as she left, a customer comes in.

"Hello and welcome to Lexa's! Do you have an appointment?" Alexa asked.

"Yes, I do ma'am." She said.

"Okay, what's the last name?" Alexa asked.

"DeVille." She said.

Alexa opens her book and skims throughout and finds the name.

"Okay, Miss DeVille you're just in time and I can take care of you. Follow me please," Alexa said.

She leads her to the wash station and sits her down in the chair as she put on gloves and put the lady's hair in the bowl, ready to get started.

"Okay, so what do we want today?" Alexa asked.

"Just a simple wash n' style. Gotta keep looking good for a special someone." She said.

"Ooh, I see! Husband?" Alexa asked.

"No." She said.

"Boyfriend?" Alexa asked.

"Well...I want him to be." She said.

Alexa turns on the water and starts to wet the lady's hair.

" he's your crush," Alexa said.

"Well let's just say that we've fooled around a couple of times and I want us to be official." She said.

"Oh my god! I love me some love stories! Keep talking." Alexa said.

She grabs some shampoo, puts some on her hands, and starts washing her hair.

"Well, I really love this guy. But he just can't seem to keep his mind off of this other girl." She said.

"That's how it always is. Do you know how she treated him?" Alexa asked.

"Well from what he told me, they went on cute dates and when he said he loved her for the first time, she completely went silent for a whole month. That just proves she never loved him in the first place." She said.

"Damn that sucks for him," Alexa said.

After washing her hair, she puts her hair in rollers and sets a cap on her.

"Alright girl we're gonna set you under this dryer and you should be done in about 30 minutes," Alexa said.

"Okay! Thanks!" She said.

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