chapter 41

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(This chapter will contain rape.)

Ruby was napping away in her bed when she heard a loud knock. She wakes up and goes to the living room and answers the door. It was Xavier. He seemed very panicked.

"Ruby? Have you seen Clark?" Xavier asked.

" I haven't." Ruby lied.

"I mean he told me that he was going back on campus but it's been a while now," Xavier said.

"Well, how long was he gone?" Ruby asked.

"He sent that message at 3. It is now 7," Xavier said.

"Have you tried calling him?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, I did. About ten times." Xavier said.

Ruby's heart begins to beat fast out of fear.

"Okay, now I'm getting worried," Ruby said.

"Just stay calm Ruby." Xavier said.

"How can I be calm when-" Ruby asked.

Ruby then hears her cell phone ringing. She approached to see that she's been sent a video message. She clicks on it and sees that it's a video of two people kidnapping Clark. And then Ruby just lost it. She breaks down to her knees and starts to bawl. Xavier runs to her.

"What's going on Ruby?" Xavier asked.

She gives him her phone and he watches the video.

"Damn it." Xavier said.

"He's gone...and we're never gonna see him again," Ruby said.

"No Ruby. You're wrong. We'll see him. We just have to take action now." Xavier said.

"But he could be anywhere!! He's probably being tortured by horrible people-"

Xavier grabs Ruby's shoulders to force her to look at him.

"Ruby....calm down," Xavier said.


Xavier pulls her close and looked into her eyes to soothe her.

"Ruby listen to me. I've dealt with a lot of cases like this. I know Mandy is not going to kill him. She is only doing this to torture you. She is more focused on putting emotional pain on you rather than psychical pain on him. We're gonna call for help and we're gonna save him. Okay?" Xavier says as he wipes her tears with his thumb.

Ruby calms down a bit but hiccups from her sobs. She nods in agreement.

"Okay," Ruby said.

"Alright. Then let's get to work." Xavier said.


"HELLO???? ANYONE THERE????" Clark shouted.

He's been blindfolded and tied to a chair in the basement of a mansion.

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