chapter 22

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"I'm so sorry Ruby," Alexa said.

Alexa was at Ruby's apartment and she was informed about Ruby and Clark's conflict.

"Yeah. Apparently, when I was taking too long to tell him how I felt, he had sex with this other girl." Ruby said.

"Well, we cannot have that! I refuse! Clark does not belong to that blonde plastic bimbo. I mean seriously, what the fuck does that bitch have that you don't? Nothing." Alexa said.

"I mean I guess you're right. But that's not the only reason I wanted to talk to you." Ruby said.

"Okay...what else is there?" Alexa asked.

"Well...I hooked up with someone." Ruby said.

"Wow, you sure move on fast! Who's the lucky guy?" Alexa asked.

"That's the thing...the person that I hooked up's just awful," Ruby said.

"Oh my god. Is it Derrick??" Alexa asked.

"Oh no. No way." Ruby said.

"Oh okay! Thank goodness. So who is it?" Alexa asked.

Ruby was hesitant to tell her who it was.

"Come on Ruby. It can't be anyone worse than Derrick." Alexa said.

"It was Baron," Ruby said.

Alexa gasps loudly as her eyes grow wide.


"Shhh!! Calm down." Ruby said.

"I will not calm down! I hated that asshole. Always thinks he's such hot shit. And then had the nerve to go berserk when you decided to move here. I can't believe you fucked Baron. How did this happen?" Alexa asked.

"Well, he came to Moonshine and told me he was in New York for a month visiting a friend. Then he asked me if we could talk after my shift and I said yes. In my mind, I thought he was actually going to be mature and apologize like a grown ass man. Apparently, I was wrong. I guess you can say he did "apologize" but it was just pathetic. And then we got into this argument. He called me a bitch, I smacked the shit out of him, cussed him out, turned him on, he kissed me and then we hooked up." Ruby said.

"Wow, I can't believe you actually did that," Alexa said.

"I can't believe it either. And it was a pain kicking him out of my apartment too." Ruby said.

"You had him in here?? How many rounds did you go?" Alexa asked.

"Um...twice. At the bar and in my bed." Ruby said.

"Oh, Jesus Ruby. Why?" Alexa asked.

"I don't know Alexa...I guess was just using him as something to keep my mind off of Clark." Ruby said.

"Ruby, I know you're hurt and all, but do you really think that was the best thing to do?" Alexa asked.

"Obviously not. I just wanted something. And if Clark had no problem fucking Mandy, then why should I worry? He doesn't care about me anymore." Ruby said.

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