Ch 1

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I'm in my club sitting across from two cartel members who are trying to do business with me. Key word trying. I lean forward in my seat using my cane as support.

"So Enrique, Damien, if I help you smuggle the cocaine into the city, what is in it for me?" I ask expectantly.

"5% of our profit." Damien responds.

"40." I counter.

"What?!" Enrique exclaims standing up.

My henchmen Jonny and Bruno are quick to step up guns at the ready. Enrique slowly sits back down in his seat. I signal my boys to step back before a scene is caused.

"You're overstepping boundaries, you're in my territory. You can't sell unless I'm fairly compensated." I smile.

"8%." Damien says.

"35%" I counter.

"You're out of your damn mind." Enrique scoffs and my jaw clenches as my grip on my cane tightens.

"10, we can't go any higher." Damien says looking down at my hands on my cane.

I sit back in my seat then pick at the handle of my cane looking down at it.

"Deal." I nod and they both let out sighs of relief.

I then look at the other side of the club to see this red head at the bar having a drink, we make eye contact and she smiles and shyly looks down at her glass turning away. Bruno leans down next to my ear.

"There's cats in the function that shouldn't be in the function." He tells me and I nod smiling looking around to see who he's referring about.

"You know what to do." I nod and get up from my seat handing him my cane then make my way over to the bar where the red head still stood.

"Hey, I own this place." I smirk at her.

"I know, you're The Joker." She says taking a sip of her drink making me smile wider showing off my silver grill.

"The one and only, and you are?" I ask curiously.

"Natalie." She smiles extending her hand out to me.

I take it and kiss the back of her hand softly making her blush.

"So what brings you to this side of town beautiful?" I ask her.

"There's alot a buzz about this place, and you." She says looking around then looking at me from bottom to top.

"Is that right? I'm not surprised." I say looking around making discreet eye contact with Bruno who nods.

"Is there a place where we can talk more...privately?" She asks coming closer towards me trailing her hand up my arm.

"As you wish." I smirk taking her hand leading us through the crowd towards the back where I had private rooms.

She pushes me against the wall kissing me. This kiss set my body on fire as I kiss back opening the door. I back away as I sit her down on the bed.

"Let me check the hallways to make sure we won't be interrupted." I smirk walking to the door not giving my back to her.

I open the door and step out quickly and lock it from the outside.

"Natalie my ass." I scoff to myself.

"Nice try." I smirk making my way towards the back exit.

I make it outside my club and hop into my purple Lamborghini speeding away.

Looking through my rear view mirror I don't see anything but then there's a thud on the car's roof

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Looking through my rear view mirror I don't see anything but then there's a thud on the car's roof. I brake hard doing a U turn to the other side of the street flinging him off but he catches himself.

"Great." I grit sarcastically.

Things start to hit my tires blowing them out and I spin out on the road. I hit the steering wheel out in frustration. The dark figure approaches.

"Step out of the vehicle

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"Step out of the vehicle." His voice is heard loudly as it's amplified through the suit.

I get out lazily with a sigh.

"Put your hands up where I can see them." He commands.

"Nice to see you to Iron Man." I smile.

"Put your hands up where I can see them." He repeats extending an arm out aiming at me.

"Alright alright. I'll put, my hands, up." I say slowly.

All of a sudden Iron man is immediately shot at from all angles with guns, foggers and other different weapons to distract him.

A black SUV screeches pulling up beside me. I hop in as the door opens for me. We immediately speed off.

"You okay boss?" Jonny asks as he drives.

"I'm just fine." I chuckle looking back to see cop cars pull up next to Iron man but don't follow us.

"But my car has seen better days." I grumble.

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