Ch 35

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"What?!" I exclaim.

"That wasn't a fucken penalty!" I add as I watch the TV in the back room.

"J, it's just a game." Regina sighs as she tidies up the room.

"But it wasn't!" I grumble.

My phone rings and I see it says Natasha💋 so I answer it without a second thought.

"I swear I didn't do anything."

"*chuckles* Mhm just checking."

"What's up doll?"

"Um, are you alone?"

"No Regina's in the room. Want me to step ou-

"No actually put me on speaker. She can be the mediator."

"Mediator? Alright."

I then look over at Regina.

"Regina come here." I tell her as I put the phone on speaker.

"Hey Natasha." Regina greets.

"Hey so this is the thing."

Then there's this pause.

"Okay so you know Cesaro?"

"Yes I'm familiar with the rat."

"Okay so he's here at the station and as he was being interrogated by Tony he sort of told him about you and me."


"But don't worry because I fixed it by saying I'm seeing Bruce instead." She adds so quickly I almost didn't catch it.

"What?!" I exclaim.

"James calm down." Regina says calmly.

"Was that the best solution Natasha?"

"Tony was on to us and I panicked. It didn't help by the hickies on my neck that J left. I had to say something."

"You could've said Wanda. Or literally anyone else. Why Bruce? Why a guy? Do you like guys? Or girls? Or are you just with me cuz I'm both?" I huff getting up from my seat pacing around.

Natasha closes her eyes as this has opened a can of worms.

"J please. I said it to protect our images."

I scoff.

"Our image? Or your image Stark? Because mine can't get any worse."

"J it's just dinner or drinks it's not like I'm going to kiss him or be in bed-

"Woah woah woah what dinner? You're actually going out with him?!"

Natasha winces.

"Tony and Steve kinda invited me and Bruce out tonight.."

"He likes you! You said you weren't going to leave me for him-

"I'm not leaving you. At the end of the day I'll be in your arms at night."

I pace around shaking my head.

"Natasha give us a sec." Regina says before muting the phone.

"What are you thinking?" She then asks me softly.

"Bruce Badger?! This is all the rat's fault. Ooh if I ever see him again- I should've killed him when I had the chance!-

"James please focus. What are you going to tell Natasha?" She asks.

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