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Small Time Skip, Christmas Morning🎄🎁🎄

I wake up like any other morning and head down the stairs to go to the kitchen, on my way there I start to smell food and hear sizzling.

"Regina I thought you- left." I pause when I see Natasha cooking by the stove.

"Merry Christmas." She says looking over to me briefly before returning her attention to the stove.

"Morning." I say cautiously.

"Take a seat breakfast will be ready in a sec." She says motioning me to a stool.

I slowly go over to the stool and take a seat. She puts a plate of food out in front of me. I look at it and smell it suspiciously.

"I didn't do anything to it." She tells me amused.

"I know." I scoff but still cautiously look it over.

"Trust me, if I would do anything to you I want you to know it's coming." She says making me smirk.

"Trust me, I want to cum too." I sigh with the smirk still on my lips but she rolls her eyes in return.

"Not what I meant J." She sighs putting her own plate together.

I take my plate and go into the dining room taking my seat at the end of the table. Natasha then comes in and takes a seat next to me and I raise an eyebrow.

"What?" She asks.

"You're sitting next to me." I say in an obvious and confused tone.

"I don't like sitting on the complete other side of the table, and you're not that bad anymore I think I can be this close." She says and I roll my eyes with a slight chuckle.

"If that's what you want Red." I shrug starting to eat my food.

After we're done eating we rinse off our plates and put them in the dishwasher.

"*clears throat* Look cupcake, I um gotchu something.." I say making her turn to me raising an eyebrow.

"You got me something?" She asks surprised.

"Come on." I nod and we make our way up the stairs and down the halls until we stop infront of a door.

"Close your eyes." I tell her and she looks at me like I'm out of my damn mind.

"If I were to do something to you I want you to know it's coming." I mock and she rolls her eyes and hesitantly closes her eyes.

I open the door and lead her in slowly. I go and open the curtains allowing sunlight to shine through the windows.

"Okay open them." I tell her and when she does her mouth slightly drops, being speechless as she looks around.

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