Ch 13

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"*clears throat* No one." I say getting up from the comfortable warm couch.

"Where are you going-

"Like I said I have business to do, you've distracted me enough today." I shake my head patting off and straightening my clothes.

"It's Christmas-

"It's a Wednesday Stark just like any other day I need to work." I say.

"You don't have to be alone-

"Yes I do! When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back in the world." I scoff leaving the living room to head up to the second floor.

"Annd the Joker's back." Natasha sighs laying back on the couch rubbing her eyes.


I was in my office working on multiple different things at once that my brain was starting to hurt. I hear the door open but I don't bother to look up. The scent from Natasha's perfume invades my nose distracting me.

"What do you want, Stark?" I ask as I hear her approach me.

"I came to get you. I'm sorry for asking about something personal knowing it's a touchy subject." She says sincerely.

"Okay. I'll see you at dinner." I nod focused on my work.

Natasha starts to feel bold against the criminal.

My desk chair is pulled back and Natasha plants herself on me, straddling my lap.

"Jaames I'm bored. Can you just not do this work right now." She pouts bouncing on my lap slightly.

"Okay first don't bounce on my lap. I don't like having my car started if it isn't going anywhere." I say grabbing her waist to halt her movements and she blushes at the innuendo.

"So it's true that you have a..." She trails off and I nod.

"Yeah and second you're right, you shouldn't have asked. I told you from the beginning don't poke around in my personal business." I say letting go, trying to be a dick to her.

"I wasn't poking around, I just asked a question about someone you brought up." She says.

My jaw clenches and I grab her waist going to get her off of me but she places her hands on my shoulders stopping me.

"Okay okay we don't need to talk about anything personal." She says.

"I just liked hanging out with you today. I don't want it to be over." She adds and I look down.

"Alright Red, how about we go out for dinner?" I offer.

"Out? Don't you think someone will see us and expose where I am?" She asks.

"It depends, what do you feel like eating?" I ask raising an eyebrow and she thinks about it.

"Mmm pizza sounds good." She tells me.

"Perfect, I know a great little place."


Rome, Italy

"I'm not letting you pay for the pizza." I tell her as I wipe my hands with a napkin.

"It's only fair, you paid for the flight." She chuckles softly putting some Euros down.

"Is that enough?" She asks me.

"Might wanna throw another thousand on there." I tell her.

"Well how much is that?" She asks pointing at the money she just placed down.

"About 60 cents." I chuckle.

She reaches in her purse to get more money when a voice stops her.

"Here, it's on me." They say grabbing the tab making us look up at them.

"Fat Tony." I say as I see the bigger Italian mobster.

"J, good to see you old friend." He smiles as he hands the tab to a waiter.

"I guess I can say the same." I smirk and he nods at my teasing.

"So who's this wonderous woman? What'd you bribe her with so she would go out with you tonight J?" He asks making my jaw clench.

"She didn't have to offer me anything, I'm her date tonight." Natasha speaks boldly to the man as she grabs my hand to which he only chuckles.

"You got a fiesty one J, what a nice beauty to the beast." He says and I chuckle having a swig of my beer so I wouldn't make a snarky comeback.

"What brings you to Italia, Joker?" Tony asks me.

"Well my date wanted pizza so I brought her to some good pizza." I say simply and he nods.

"How's New York?" He asks.

"The same, mine." I emphasize just in case he has any plans in trying to take some of my territory.

"That's good, still have a grudge against that Howard Stark? Take care of him yet?" He chuckles.

Natasha digs her nails into the skin of my hand making me hiss. Tony raises an eyebrow at the action.

"Don't mind her, after dinner she's usually anxious for dessert." I say pulling my hand away.

"But no, I'm not going to waste my precious time on him." I brush off.

"Well I don't mean to interrupt but we have other places to be, with little J." Natasha says getting up, her gaze lingering down on my crotch and Tony stifles a laugh with a clear of his throat while my jaw clenches.

"I'll see you around Tony." I grit getting up.

We leave the restaurant and make our way to a Ferrari that I rented for the night. Natasha leads the way anger in her steps. She opens the passenger door but I close it before she can get in.

"The fuck was that?!" I hiss.

"Me?! What about you?! What does take care of Howard Stark mean?!" She hisses back.

"Killing, obviously." I respond simply.

"You wanted to kill my dad?!" She exclaims.

"Wanted, things are different now cupcake." I tell her trying to get near her but she places a hand on my chest keeping me at a distance.

"Don't 'cupcake' me James." She says sternly.

"Well what about you? Calling my dick little?! In front of Tony! It's bigger than any dick you've had or ever saw." I grit and she rolls her eyes.

I grab her hand that wasn't already on me and bring it down to cup my member over my pants, she gasps at the action while I clench my jaw to surpress a groan.

"Don't call me little. Ever. Now get in the car." I say in her ear then push her hands back before walking over to the other side of the car.

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