Ch 31

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Few Days Later

It's been a few days and Natasha and J haven't spoken to each other. Neither of them reaching out, not that they haven't wanted to but they both have to much pride to reach out first. So they are both suffering to themselves. The argument about J's antics has been their first real argument as a- couple? Friends with benefits?- but more? They haven't put a label on what they are but maybe they're not anything since they haven't spoken.

J's Club

I'm sitting on a stool at the bar while Regina is setting things up for tonight. I sigh as I stuff some peanuts in my mouth then take a swig of my beer.

"J why don't you just call her?" She asks turning to me.

"Because I'm not in the wrong?" I shrug taking another swig and she raises an eyebrow.

"I'm not! I have to handle business and she doesn't like it." I scoff.

"Because she worries about you." She tells me and I shake my head turning my attention down at the small bowl of peanuts.

"She really cares for you James." She sighs as she cleans some glasses.

"But I can't give her what she wants." I huff.

"You stopping your crimes?" She raises an eyebrow looking at me briefly before returning her attention to the glass.

"I can't give her a normal life." I grumble pushing the bowl away slightly.

"Normal? She's a cop. She already doesn't have a normal life." She says chuckles slightly.

"Exactly. A cop and the most wanted criminal in New York? That doesn't exactly spell out happily ever after." I say finishing off my beer.

"I mean, I can't even go to the grocery store and buy milk." I add shaking my head putting the bottle down on the counter.

"But it looks like she doesn't care, she comes here when she can and you go to her place when she isn't on duty. You guys have made it, some what work." She shrugs putting the glasses away on the shelf.

"I don't know, I want her to be happy and at ease." I absentmindley confess.

"So what? Are you two over?" She asks leaning on the counter.

"I'm meeting with Cesaro tonight." I say getting up from my seat and walk away towards the back.


That Night

I walk into the empty warehouse and see Cesaro standing there by himself which was odd but I still made my way towards him.

"Hey J, long time no see." He smiles.

"Cesaro." I say, my jaw clenching.

"Here by yourself?" I ask raising and eyebrow.

"Not completely." He says vaguely.

"Well that was stupid of you." I say snapping my fingers and two of my men grab Cesaro from before making him kneel before me.

"S-so what have you been up to?" He asks lightly.

"None of your fucken business. I heard you were trying to sneak up on me." I grit punching him.

"Please don't kill me. I want to see this." He rasps.

"See what?" I ask confused.



Natasha and Wanda are eating dinner in their apartment, both of them not having to work tonight. Natasha takes a bite of her slice of pizza, remembering when she went to Italy with James on Christmas and they had pizza. She then sighs starting to miss the green haired criminal despite their argument. Natasha's phone rings, not recognizing the number she raises an eyebrow answering it.

"Hello?" Natasha answers.

"Natasha, it's me Regina." The voice says.

"What's up?" She asks.

"It's James."


J's Club

Natasha and Wanda hurriedly get out of Stark's car and make their way to the back where Bruno was waiting.

"Who's she?" He nods at Wanda.

"She's with me. J knows her and is okay with her." Natasha explains and he hesitantly agrees as he brings them both inside.

"Bruno what happened? Regina wouldn't tell me through the phone." Natasha says as they walk through the dim hall.

"You'll see for yourself." He says softly as he opens the door to a room and they step inside.

"What's she doing here?!" Jonny grits as he sees Natasha walk in and as he's pointing a gun at a doctor.

Natasha sees the doctor and her eyes widen.


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