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"Brock Rumlow, NYPD officer passed away late last night after-

I change the radio station while making my way to my club so it can be ready for tonight. As I wait for the stop light to turn green sirens are heard and cop cars appear from all angles surrounding me.


Again I'm placed in an interrogation room. The door opens and in comes the red head Stark. I can't help but check her out in her uniform. Her slamming the door shut makes me snap out of my sinful thoughts. She sets downs some files and a tape recorder.

"Well we meet again." I smirk leaning against my chair, cuffed hands on my lap.

"Look, why don't you make my job easier and admit you killed Rumlow." She sighs taking a seat.

"Man, you Starks, *chuckles* you guys want everything the easy way." I shake my head.

"...You're not a real Stark." I say eyeing her, sitting up.

"And how do you know?" She asks raising an eyebrow with attitude, the attitude I like.

"Because you're attractive." I scoff in an obvious tone and she rolls her eyes.

"Come on Red, you don't have to say I'm right but we both know I'm right." I sit back in my uncomfortable chair.

"Don't change the subject. Do you know why you're here?" She questions.

"Not at all, enlighten me." I nod.

"Well I'm pretty sure you heard the news that officer Rumlow has passed away." She says.

"Is that right? Why I just beat him 2 days ago." I furrow my eyebrows.

"And when did you kill him?" She asks.

"When I what?" I ask with a laugh.

"Where were you last night?"

"In my club, where I am every night." I answer with a shrug.

"Do you have an alibi?"

"I can call my boys-

"Obviously your goons will cover for you." She rolls her eyes.

"Why am I here? Why am I a suspect? What's my motive?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Because you threatened him the last time you were here and you laid you hands on him." She says in an obvious tone.

"That doesn't make me the top suspect." I say and she looks at me like I'm out of my damn mind.

"Oh no?" She asks taken back.

"He was a crooked cop, all of New York knew it and they hated him." I roll my eyes.

"Can you atleast have some compassion? He's dead."

"And you do? Cops never show compassion for the dead unless it's one of there own." I say clenching my jaw then turn away with a bitter chuckle.

Natasha raises an eyebrow at the criminal then looks down at her files.

"Look you aren't going to get away this time. I know you have something if not everything to do with Rumlow's murder." She says seriously.

"Oh now it's a murder? That's not what the news is saying." I shake my head.

"Well until the matter is resolved you'll just stay locked up here." She says.

"Like hell I am." I scoff.

"We need to keep a close eye on you."

"You can watch me all you want Red but I can't have you guys snooping in my life when I haven't done anything." I say making her sigh.

I then turn to the left.

"What if I told you I can make your stupid brother walk again?" I ask looking out the window to see Tony talking to the same blonde man from before.

"He's not stupid. He's brilliant more than I can say about you." She says and I clench my jaw but give an airy chuckle looking down.

"Then I guess you want him to be crippled forever." I sigh with a shrug.

Now it's Natasha's turn to look out the window to see Tony and Steve talking and she bites her lip.

"What are you talking about?" She asks.

I nod to the tape recorder making her sigh and she turns it off making me smirk.

"Talk." She demands.

"Is there someone behind the glass?" I ask, she checks and shakes her head.

"Now talk." She says not playing games.

"I can make your brother walk again." I respond simply.

"How?" She asks.

"I'm not one to reveal my secrets." I shake my head.

"And what do you want in exchange? Money? Clean record?" She asks crossing her arms raising an eyebrow.

"Oh that's quite simple, you." I smirk.

"Oh so you want to kidnap me?" She scoffs.

"Eh nope Nu-uh not kidnapping because you're willing to come with me." I correct and she rolls her eyes.

"And what do you want with me?" She asks.

"You're nice eye candy." I shrug and her jaw clenches.

"Tony would never allow that." She shakes her head.

"That's why you don't tell him or anyone." I tell her.

"So no one knows where I am? That's kidnapping." She says.

"It's not!- *sighs* it's not kidnapping, Red. You tell them you're going away for something or I don't care what you tell them. You're smart, figure it out." I say then bring up my cuffed hands on the table so she can let me go.

"What? You think you're free?" She asks and I roll my eyes tiredly.

"Look, I didn't kill Rumlow and even if I did you wouldn't want me locked up if you agree to our deal." I smirk.

She clenches her jaw with a sigh. She stands up coming over to me and uncuffs me. I stand up rubbing my wrists.

"You know where to find me when you've made your decision. You got 48 hours to decide." I say then leave the room then the building as a whole.

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