Ch 39

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I drive back into New York feeling energized ready to cause havoc. I go into my club missing the parties, drinks and killings I would have in this very building. I take a satisfied deep breath when I step out of my car. When I go in I see my boys just sitting around playing cards or talking.

"Well aren't you all just sitting around like pansies." I announce making them all turn to me.

They immediately come to me.

"Welcome back boss! But what's that on your clothes?" Jonny asks pointing at my clothes.

"Don't worry about it now where's Regina?" I raise an eyebrow looking around.

"What's with all the noise- J! You're back!" Regina smiles coming from the back.

"What's on your clothes?" She asks furrowing her eyebrows.

"Nothing." I shake my head.

"We need to talk." I tell her and she raises an eyebrow questionably.

"Okay." She says.

We go to the back room.

"So how was rehab-

"Regina you're fired."

Was said at the same time.

"What?! What do you mean fired?!" Regina exclaims.

I go back to the closet that was in the room and bring out two briefcases.

"Here, there's enough money to set you for life." I say placing them on the bed.

"I never stayed with you for the money. Now tell me why I'm fired." She says.

"Because you're services are no longer required." I look down.


"Don't say that stupid ass name." I grit pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Now go to your nice normal life." I wave her off and she looks at me in disbelief before she glares at me.

"For years I have wanted to say so many things to you James Napier and now that I don't work for you, I still don't have the heart to say them. Keep your money." She says and leaves the room slamming the door behind her.

I shower and change into some clothes that didn't have chemical residue on them. I then go back to the front where all my hench men where. I whistle getting their attention.

"Suit up boys. I've been gone for a long time and I assume some have tried to take my spot so we're gonna have to take care of that right?" I ask raises an eyebrow recieving a chorus of yeahs and nods.

"Alright let the fun begin." I smirk.


Abandoned Warehouse, 3:16 am

With flashing blue and red lights, Natasha and the others are on the scene. After her call from J, Natasha has been slightly distracted. She's tried to call back but her calls go straight to voicemail.

"What do we have Stephen?" Natasha asks their forensics specialist.

"Well Drew Mcintyre, one of the most ruthless criminals in the city and some of his men are dead." He explains.

"He has approximately 16 bullet wounds in his chest." He adds.

"16?" Steve asks in shock.

"Approximately, it could be more or less according to the shell casings on the ground. The bullet wounds are to close together to distinguish." Stephen says.

"Hey, what's this mushed up ground beef stuff?" Clint asks leaning down to take a closer look.

"Um that's Mcintyre's heart." Stephen says making him slightly step back in shock.

"His heart?" Wanda asks in slight disbelief with her eyebrows raised.

"Who ever killed him was very aggravated and took out all of their anger out on all of these victims." He says looking around at the lifeless bodies on the ground.

"So do we have any idea on who could have done this?" Natasha asks and Steven shakes his head.

Natasha takes a look around the crime scene. A table is knocked over and playing cards are scattered all over the floor. Her eyes widen as one doesn't belong with the others. Amongst the regular white playing cards, a black and gold joker playing card is laying there. Natasha's breath hitches as she takes a step back bumping into someone.

"Nat you okay?" Clint asks.

"Yeah of course sorry I bumped into you." She nods.

"No worries." He says cautiously looking over his friend.

Natasha steps out of the warehouse and pulls out her phone and makes a call.


"Thank god you answered Regina. Where's James?"

"James? *scoffs* I have no idea where James is. The Joker on the other hand, I still have no idea."

"How can you not kn-

"I don't know because she fired me earlier tonight."

"Fired? What do you mean fired?"

"I asked the same question and got no answer. She's snapped. I don't know what could have happened in Gotham."

"Gotham, that's where she was?" Natasha asks softly.

"Yup to get help and I don't know how but she came back worse. I don't know what happened. She didn't tell me."

Natasha winces and she hangs her head low.

"She may have called me earlier..." Natasha says slowly.

"And what did you say?" Regina responds in the same tone.

"Well we didn't get to talk because she heard Bruce in the backgrou-

"Ooof course-

"It wasn't just him, all my friends were there at Wanda and I's place. She just heard his voice and got the wrong idea."

"Well great. Just great."

"Regina we can't take this lightly okay? I'm at a crime scene and to me, it has Joker written all over it."

"Natasha, I can try but you need to understand this is a whole new ball game. She's not at all James anymore. The way she sees it, it's her against the world.." Regina explains to her softly.

"Okay, *deep breath* just try, please. Call me if you need anything."

The call ends and when she turns around she jumps slightly in surprised but relaxes when she sees it's just Wanda giving her a knowing look.

"It was James wasn't it?" She asks crossing her arms over her chest.

"No, it was The Joker."

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