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The Next Night

The masked criminals are walking down the street breaking shop windows taking whatever they please.

The streets empty.

Since the Joker's escape of Arkham, New York has been on a city wide curfew of 10 o'clock, earlier if possible.

The masked criminals laughing between one another as they did their destruction. They hear sirens and a cop car speeds to them, Natasha being the one behind the wheel. They disperse, running in different directions. The car follows the green haired criminal into a dead end ally.

Natasha gets out of the car and tackles J on the ground as she tries to escape. A deeper grunt is heard at the impact. She turns J around removing the mask but it isn't J.

"Surprise doll." Jonny smirks, fake green hair dye running down his sweaty forehead.

"What the fu- where's J?!" Natasha exclaims taken aback at the revelation.

"Where she needs to be." He smirks and Natasha smacks him making him groan.

"We have a call coming from the Phillips home." Bucky's voice comes from the walkie talkie on her shoulder.

"This is N.Stark, what's up Buck?" She answers.

"Judge Phillips called, reporting an intruder in his home." He says.




She looks down and Jonny's smirk is bigger.

"I'm on my way!" Natasha says getting off of Jonny and back to her squad car immediately speeding off turning on her siren.

Natasha gets there and other officers are on the scene. One of them letting her through and she sees Clint and Wanda.

"What do we have?" She asks.

"An attempted homicide." Wanda says.

"Attempted?" Natasha questions confused and she nods.

"Yeah, I guess they missed." She says.

"Where's Phillips?" Natasha then asks.

"Outside getting his wounds attended to, he doesn't want to go to the hospital." Cliny answers.

Natasha goes outside to see Judge Phillips talking to EMTs. As she nears he turns to her.

"How are you Mark?" She asks looking over at the older man.

"The bullet just grazed my arm, I don't need to go to the hospital." He says.

"Who did this? Who was the intruder? Did you get a good look?" Natasha questions and Phillips sighs as he looks down.

"It was James, she was dead set on killing me but, she made a different call." He says.

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