Ch 16

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Natasha was reading while J was coming up with some numbers for the equation for Tony's cure (but Natasha didn't know that) in the library.

"So where do I start?" Regina asks coming in crossing her arms looking between Natash and J.

"Those book shelves could use some dusting

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"Those book shelves could use some dusting." I say motioning away not looking up.

"I don't think that's what she meant J. What's up Regina?" Natasha asks looking up from her book while I don't even pay attention.

"You guys are so hot and cold, one moment you guys are yelling and hating each other and the next you guys are- are not." Regina explains.

"Natasha's the confusing one." I grumble.

"What? I'm not the one who-

"See! This is exactly what I mean!" Regina cuts in.

"Well we're friends, for the most part." Natasha tells her.

"More like frenemies." She says amused.

"Why does it matter?" I ask with a sigh finally looking up.

"Because you guys are nowhere on the same page and I hate hearing arguments and yelling between you two." Regina runs her hand through her hair.

"Look, as long as Natasha doesn't make things difficult we're fine." I shake my head as I write down formulas.

"Me!? *sighs* yeah we're fine." Natasha says smiling at Regina.

"You know, it being New Year's Eve, you guys should atleast agree on where you stand." She sighs and leaves the library.

"She's right you know." Natasha says.

"About what?" I ask looking up and she rolls her eyes before leaning her head on her fist.

"About this." She says motioning between us.

"It's toxic." She adds.

"I mean, I'm your prisoner-

"You're not-

"Yes. I am. I'm your prisoner but we're sort of friends that yell at each other- it's toxic." She shakes her head.

"And what do you suppose I do Stark?" I ask putting my pencil down.

"You're free to leave, empty handed." I shrug and motion out the door and her jaw clenches.

"You're such a dick." She grumbles.

"You made a deal Stark. It'd be a shame if you didn't honor it." I tsk shaking my head returning my attention back down to my scribbles.

"Oh yes because you're all about honor. You're literally the devil." She scoffs.

"And what's that suppose to mean?" I ask looking up at her.

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