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A Week Later

I was dressed in a nice suit with my lawyer Scott by my side. We were on our way to the back entrance of the courthouse. I was having a very private hearing to clear the air and discuss my punishment for crimes I have actually committed.

"Nervous?" Scott asks turning to me ask we walk down a hall.

"Not for me. If that Stark crosses the line I can't assure anything." I say.

"Well you have to J, you can't make it worse for yourself in court." He tells me and I sigh since he's right, not to mention Natasha is going to be there and I don't want to disappoint her.

We stop infront of a door and Scott goes ahead and knocks. The door is opened and we step inside. In the room there is two long tables opposite from eachother. Judge Phillips along with the Stark Family are sitting in the one across from us and Scott and I take our seats at the table that was close infront of us.

"Phillips." I nod to break the tension.

"Ms.Napier, good to see you." He responds.

"You guys are gonna gang up on me aren't you?" I ask motioning between them.

"Hardly, we are just putting out facts on why you're a lunatic." Howard says and I growl with a glare.

"Dad!" "Howard!" Tony, Natasha, and Maria say at the same time.

"*clears throat* I for one want to properly thank you for helping me walk again. That serum is, *sighs* brilliant." Tony says sincerely and I nod intertwining my hands placing them on the table.

"So shall we get started?" Phillips asks the room.

"Yes, your honor." Scott nods.

"James, you have killed many people-

"Criminals, which means the NYPD has had less trouble to deal with." I smile and Scott nudges me to shut up.

"Along with destroying city property, stores, blowing up cars, and the attempted murder of Howard Stark and myself." Judge Phillips continues and I look down.

'This is not going to go well.' I think to myself.

"But records indicate that you were in a rehabilitation center in Gotham. Is that true?" He asks.

"Yes, your honor. I want to better myself. And honestly I admit to everything you've just listed off-

"J what are you doing?" Scott whispers to me stopping me.

"Coming clean. I get what I get." I tell him before returning my attention to Judge Phillips.

"I admit it Phillips. Even from before. I had a very twisted mind and when I was first arrested, I thought Natasha was nice to look at and I wanted her as arm candy. That's why I offered her the deal for Tony's serum to allow him to walk. But I never ever did anything she wasn't comfortable with. I ended up falling in love with her. So Howard's testimony is total bull. I bettered myself because Natasha helped me become better. Sure it maybe hasn't had permanent affects but I'm still trying and Natasha has still been there to help me." I explain.

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