Ch 21

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I was in my office of my club having a drink. My eyes dead, just staring out at nothing specific, staring into space oblivious to the muffled sounds outside, the chaos of my club being ignored. Heavy footsteps are heard coming towards my office in a hurry.

"Boss the police are coming! What defense shall we use?" Jonny says bursting in.

"It doesn't matter, let them come." I say dully downing the rest of my drink.

"But boss-

"But nothing, let them come. Get yourself and the other guards to the secret passage. You guys were never here. Call Regina and tell her she knows nothing." I repeat.

"Boss.." Jonny tries.

"Jonathan, do as I say." I rasp and he shakes his head but leaves anyways following orders.

A few minutes later I hear screams of the crowd.

"NYPD!" They bust in my office aiming at me with their guns.

"Put your hands in the air!" They command.

Officer Steve Rogers then comes in and his eyes set on me as he pushes his way through the other officers.

"Bastard! You think you can kidnap my sister in law?!" Rogers spits punching me in the jaw making me collapse on the ground out of my chair.

I cough and spit out some blood as he punches me again and again. I then hear a familiar voice come into the room.

"Steve stop! She's the reason Tony can walk again!" Natasha exclaims pushing him away from me by his chest.

"James are you okay?!" She asks worriedly, kneeling down cupping my bloody face.

I weakly push her hands away and she gives me a hurt look.

"I heard everything." I rasp and she looks confused, knitting her eyebrows together.

"Who would love someone who wasn't wanted? It just can't work-

"James it isn't-

"Shut up!" I wheeze as I try to stand up stumbling a bit before I balance myself.

"Your stupid brother can walk again. You got what you wanted-

"You son of a bitch!" Tony exclaims rushing in the room tackling me back down.

Steve then grabs Natasha holding her back.

Stark with his suit, beats me into the ground. I hear pops and crunches in my body. I try to block the hits but I didn't stand a chance against his Ironman suit right now.

"Tony stop! Please!" Natasha fights against Rogers's hold.

I was hit left and right, wheezing for breath. My vision blurred, I'm choking on my own blood by now.

"You sick monster!" Tony spits as he kicks my face making me whip it to the side spitting blood out.

"Tony please!" Natasha rasps.

"Alright Tony that's enough." Another officer (Clint Barton) pulls him back.

My wheezing and struggling to breathe being the only thing heard in the room as my eyes become heavy and ultimately close.


I wake up, my eyes barely being able to open. The bright lights of the room hurting my eyes as a small beeping noise is heard. A mask helping me breathe being on my face, over my mouth. I want to speak but I feel like I'm physically unable to. I weakly try to remove the mask but that's when I notice my wrists being handcuffed on either side of the hospital bed. Someone approaches my bed side and I slowly turn to see Regina with slightly glossy eyes. I try to speak, the mask fogging up.

"Don't exert yourself. I'm here." Regina says softly grabbing my hand giving it a light squeeze of assurance.

I'm in pain everywhere, my whole body throbbing. Bruno and Jonny come to my bed side too, both of them showing worried looks.

"You were in surgery. Broken nose, a few broken ribs, dislocated shoulder...internal bleeding." Regina informs me her eyes glossing over more.

The door opens and in comes in Nick Fury and his precincts lawyer James Rhodes.

"Well look who's awake." Fury says with his hands behind his back.

"She just got out of surgery!" Jonny grits wanting to step up to the two men but Bruno holds him back.

Rhodes then makes his way to me with a file in hand.

"On the account of kidnapping Natasha Stark you are now under arrest. You are set for trial in a week. You are to be relocated to be under our custody as soon as you're discharged." Rhodes says looking at me as he hands Regina the file.

"What?! Officers-

They leave with Regina's words in her mouth.

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