Ch 40

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3 Days Later

Things were going good, I was picking off my competition and people who crossed me one by one. The NYPD are running around like headless chickens which amuses me. Regina has tried to reach out but I don't give in as I'm focused on my work. I'm working on a super serum that'll make me stronger and I'm close to finishing it.

As for right now, me and my men are walking around the empty night streets of New York, Lauren close by me.

"Run around boys gives us privacy." I tell them and they nod.

"That purse is cute." Lauren says looking at the store window.

"That? Really?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah. It's cute." Lauren nods looking at the store sign to know which one it is.

I grab my bat smashing the window and she gasps at the action. I step through the broken glass onto the platform taking the purse from the mannequins hand. With the purse in hand I hop down walking towards Lauren handing it to her.

"Here." I say as she's still slightly shocked at what I just did.

"You didn't have to-

I cut her off with a rough kiss making her moan and wrap her arms around my neck.

"You wanted the purse, you got the purse dollface." I smirk biting her lip making her whimper.

"Thank you." She smiles.

I hear sirens making me groan.

"Come on we should go-

"Hold on baby, I wanna have my fun first." I say grabbing a grenade from my leather coat pocket.

I walk over to the street when the squad car turns the corner. I pull the ring out of the grenade then roll it down the street as if I was bowling. When the car drives over it it explodes making it fly up in flames.

"Holy shit!" I exclaim throwing my head back in laughter.

The car smashes back down and the officer rushes out. Rolling on the ground to put out the flames he had on his clothes.

"Come on J lets go." Lauren tries.

"Hold on." I groan as I make my way over to the officer.

I grab him as he's gasping for air. I pick him up slamming him against a car.

"Vasquez? Vasquez do you copy?" I hear Steve Rogers from his walkie talkie.

I slam his head against the window then grab the walkie talkie as he slumps down on the black top.

"Well look who it is. Little boy blue." A breathy chuckle escapes my lips then I lick them.

"J-Joker?!" He growls.

"The one and only and trust me. You don't know what has awakened. Stay out of my way if you don't want anyone hurt." I say darkly dropping the walkie talkie making it hit the officer's face.

"J this is to much. I don't think I can handle this." Lauren says, her usual confident demeanor no where to be seen.

"So you want out of this? Fine. You were just a good fuck anyway." I scoff shaking my head making my way to my car as more sirens are heard on their way.

"Good luck with this." I chuckle motioning to the wreckage.

"Damnit!" Steve huffs frustratedly.

"What happened? Is Vasquez okay?" Natasha asks approaching him.

"I don't know. I assume not, it's Joker. She's back!" He grits running a hand down his face.

"*gasps* No." Natasha says 'surprised'.

"Yes. I'm going out to help Vasquez and call in EMTs." He says walking away and she nods as her gaze follows him leaving.

When he leaves the room Natasha grabs her phone making a call.

"What's up Natasha?"

"Have you talked to J?"

"I've tried but she won't let me in."

"Okay well she's revealed herself. Now all of the NYPD will know to look for her."

Natasha then hears a sigh.

"I hoped it wouldn't have to come to this."

"Come to what? What are you talking about?"

"I'll call you later."

The line then goes silent.

"Hello? Regina? Regina?"

Natasha then groans putting her phone away.


I make it back to my club in one piece, my other men already there.

"That was a close one." Frost says.

"Yeah yeah I'll be in my office." I wave off heading to the back.

I take off my coat throwing it on a chair as I go around to sit behind my desk. I then start working on my serum in quiet but not so much peace. I then put it in a seringe when I think I have completed it. I prepare everything to inject myself. I roll my sleeve up and prep my arm for my experiment. Taking a deep breath I do it pricking it in my vein, I close my eyes feeling it start to course through my body. I then hear tears making me look down and my sleeves from my shirt are ripped. I get up and take a look at myself. I easily rip what was left of my shirt off. The muscles in my body more defined than they already were.

"Now this is more like it." I chuckle, slightly flexing.

I then make my way back to the front.

"Woah boss what happened to you?" Jonny asks as he looks at me.

"Science. I made myself stronger. I made myself better." I smirk and they all look at each other confused.

"Bruno. Front and center." I command and he does so.

"Hit me." I tell him and his eyes widen.


"Do it. It's okay 'cause I'm going to hit you back." I tell him and he hesitantly nods.

"Don't hold back." I tell him.

He then takes a swing at me punching me in the jaw, I felt it but not enough to hurt really bad. I then take my own swing hitting him and knocking him down leaving the others stunned.

"Oh yeah. It worked." I smirk looking down at myself.

The doors then swing open making us turn and see Regina and my jaw clenches.

"Leave us." She commands my men and they do out of instinct.

"Woah who do you think you are giving orders." I scoff making her look at me in disbelief.

"Let's not play that game James and what did you do to yourself?" She asks as she gets a better look at me.

"Made myself better. And if you don't leave right now. You'll see my new attributes first hand." I threaten.

"Oh really? Amuse me." She tells me and I growl.

I make my way to Regina but only get halfway because with a flick of her wrist I'm thrown across the room hitting the wall and flop down on the ground with a thud making me groan. She then walks towards me and stops looking down at me.

"Let's start again shall we?"

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