Ch 43

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It's been a few days and I haven't been able to go see Natasha. The night she was shot, her family thought it was best if I didn't go to the hospital which caused an argument.


Natasha was taken to the ambulance quickly, immediately leaving to the hospital. I overheard her parents going with her in the ambulance. But some of her cop buddies were at the scene so now I had to wait for them to leave. When they did, Steve opened the closet door and I stepped out.

"Alright. Well I'm on my way to the hospital." I say making my way to the door.

"You shouldn't go right now." Tony tells me.

"What do you mean I shouldn't go?!" I exclaim.

"A hospital is full of people that will recognize you and call us, the cops. Just wait until we get her in a more private facility." He says and my jaw clenches.

"I told her I was gonna be there and that's what I'm going to do." I grit.

"Well Joker, as her older brother I need to protect her-

"Says the one who shot her!" I scoff.

"I didn't!-

Steve comes between us as we have gotten close through the heated argument.

"Both of you stop!" He says looking between us before he focuses his attention on me.

"Um Joker, Tony is right. We can't draw to much attention, if you go to the hospital it won't end well and we all just want to make sure Natasha is alright. You will be able to see her when we get her to a private medical facility where no one outside of us will know you're there." Steve explains calmly.

He's right. Natasha is the one who matters right now.

"Okay." I nod.

I then grab my wallet pulling out a card handing it to him.

"Call me as soon as you hear something." I tell him and he nods taking the card.

That was days ago and I haven't heard a word since that night when Steve called and told me her surgery was a success and she was going to be fine.

But I need to go see her. I mean, Regina has gone to see her and I haven't. She told that Natasha was fine but I needed to see for myself to know for sure.


I finally got a call from Steve saying that I was able to see her and I immediately made my way to the address he sent me. When I get there it's a private medical clinic. I went through the back entrance where he was waiting for me.

"The others left so it'll be just the two of you. Try any funny business and it won't end well for you." He tells me and I roll my eyes then nod.

He then walks away after he leads me to the door which I assume is the one where Natasha is. I take a deep breath then knock on the door softly.

"Come in." I hear from the other side and I slowly open the door peeking in and see Natasha laying in bed. When she sees me she smiles.

"Hey." I say not knowing what to say.

"Hi." She chuckles.

I then step fully inside making my way to her bed side.

"I brought you some cheesecake from that bakery you like, and some flowers." I motion to the things in my hands setting them aside.

"Thank you J." She says.

"I've been wanting to come and see you. I don't want you to think I ditched you that night but your brother-

"Hey, hey, relax. Steve told me everything. And they were right. If you came to the hospital it would've ended badly for you and I wouldn't have wanted that." She cuts me off gently and I nod taking a deep breath as I take a seat in a chair that was next to her bed.

"How are you?" I ask softly.

"I'm fine, you forget that I'm a cop. I'm used to getting shot at, just this time I got hit." She says and I nod.

"It is going to leave a gnarly scar though. Bye, bye bikinis." She adds and I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I bet you look terrible in them." I deadpan making her smile at my sarcasm.

I then sigh feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry Natasha this is all my fault." I rub a hand down my face.

"How is it your fault? You didn't pull the trigger?" She questions.

"But I went out there! I went out there to kill your father and instead you're the one that got hurt. Because of me. My criminal antics! Apparently that's how lost Harley and I don't want to lose you too. If we've never met you wouldn't be here right now." I strain hanging my head down in my hands.

I then feel her run a hand through my hair soothingly.

"I'm not blaming you for this at all, James." She tells me softly.

"And if I hadn't met you, the crime rate wouldn't have gone down, Tony wouldn't be walking, and I wouldn't be as happy as I was with you." She says picking my head up so I would look at her.

"You were happy with me?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure we had a rough start and some bad days but we did have some good times and they made me really happy." She says making my mood lighten.

"So where do we go from here? I mean hey, I met the parents. Big step." I chuckle awkwardly.

"Well other than you telling my dad that you've penetrated his only daughter. I think it went well." She says and I give her a 'are you serious' look.

"Natasha, that was a bigger catastrophe than- I don't know, the Boston Tea Party." I tell her and she sighs and it gets quiet.

"Move in with me." I tell her and she's caught off guard.

"James, I love you, but I think there's some things you can still work on, besides I don't want to live in the back room of your club." She tells me.

"My mansion is fixed. All cleaned up and everything. Come on Cupcake." I try and she smiles at her nickname.

"How about we do a part time schedule? I can stay a couple nights at a time while we figure things out. Nothing permanent. I know you can do better and get a little more help." She says and I nod.

"What about your folks?" I ask hesitantly.

"Well my mom actually finds you respectable, since you saved me. My dad still kinda feels the same. Tony will hopefully come around and Steve told me as long as I'm happy he's happy for me." She explains and I nod looking down.

"Are you done trying to kill my dad?" She then asks making me look up at her.

"As long as he doesn't try to kill me first." I say and she raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, Natasha, I'm done trying to kill your dad." I nod making her smile.

"Love you." She says.

"I love you too." I say leaning over to peck her lips.

"Can I have my cheesecake now?" She asks making me chuckle reaching over to get it for her.

"Oh and you want me to move in with you but you haven't even asked me to be your girlfriend yet?" She teases making smile.

I hand her her cheesecake then gently grab one of her hands, kissing the back of it.

"Natasha Stark, will you be my girlfriend? My queen?" I ask and she blushes slightly.

"Yes, I will." She smiles and I lean down pecking her lips but she quickly deepens the kiss.

I back away with a clear of my throat before my car gets started because I know I won't be able to drive it anywhere.

I then sit back down and we start to talk about other things enjoying each others company.

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