Ch 4

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36 Hours Later

I was in my office that I had in my club catching up on bills and other paperwork I did myself because I didn't want anyone else to do it in case they fucked it up

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I was in my office that I had in my club catching up on bills and other paperwork I did myself because I didn't want anyone else to do it in case they fucked it up. The muffled noise of the music in my club tonight being heard. A knock on my door gets my attention.

"Yeah?" I say loudly and it's slowly opens but I don't bother to look up from my paperwork.

"Boss, Ms.Stark is here to see you." Bruno informs me making my head snap up.

"What? *clears throat* Bring her in." I say getting up from my seat adjusting my suit.

I come around and sit on my desk and wait patiently. Promptly the red head steps in escorted by Jonny and Bruno.

"Leave us." I say to my boys making them nod closing the door behind them.

"Would you like a drink?" I offer going over to the small table with a bottle and glasses.

"I'm good." She shakes her head.

"Suit yourself." I shrug going to pour myself a drink.

Natasha takes a deep breath closing her eyes.

"I accept." I hear her say and a smirk comes across my lips but she can't see it as I have my back to her.

"Is that right?" I ask looking over my shoulder briefly before returning my attention to my pouring.

"I want what's best for Tony. I want him to walk again." She says and I slowly nod taking a sip of my drink and pour some more in my glass.

"So what do you want from me?" She asks.

"Like I said, you're nice to look at. You just come stay with me, accompany me to my club and other errands." I shrug simply turning around to face her.

"You're a pig." She grits and I merely chuckle.

"And when does Tony get his part of the deal?" She asks with a sigh.

"Slow down Red. One step at a time." I tell her amused.

"Well how do I know you can really help him? You're probably lying." She says looking at me up and down.

"I'm many things, a liar isn't one. Besides aren't you trained to know when someone's lying? Am I lying Red?" I ask her raising an eyebrow challengingly.

"No." She mumbles clenching her jaw.

"Great." I say handing her a glass and she hesitates to take it.

"To seal the deal." I smile and she slowly takes it, taking a small sip.

She grimaces at the taste then slightly coughs.

"What is that?" She asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"Straight Hennessy." I say downing my drink not making a single face but let out a satisfied sigh.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at the bus station. Might wanna pack heavy." I say then press a button I have on my desk.

Jonny and Bruno come in waiting for orders.

"Please show her out to her car, respectfully." I make clear and they nod.

They leave my office and I down another drink.

'I just made a deal with the devil' Natasha thinks to herself walking out with the two goons on either side of her.

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