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As the two Stark men scuffle over the gun, the trigger is pulled and it's shot. Hitting Natasha in the left hip as she turned around.

I hear Natasha gasp as she clutches her hip.

"Natasha!" "Nat!" "Sweetie!" "Oh my god! My baby!" Steve, Tony, Howard and Maria all exclaim as I'm left in shock at what just happened.

Natasha slowly goes on the ground to lay down as she holds onto me.

"We need to call an ambulance!" Steve says.

"They won't get here in time, she'll bleed out." I tell them.

"You're not supposed to say things like that!" Tony grits.

"Well we need to try!" Steve then says getting his phone out dialing.

I roll my eyes. I then rip my button up off my body.

"Stay awake Natasha." I tell her as she hasn't said a word I assume in shock.

I wrap my shirt around her left leg in a way it will stop some of the bleeding from her left hip.

"Alright hold on tight because I'm going to bolt you in the house." I tell her and she nods.

"Please hurry, I shouldn't move alot." She tells me.

I pick her up with ease and run into the house as fast as the serum in my body allows me and it's pretty darn fast as I turn around, my back colliding with the door to bust it open.

"Aunt Nat!" A boy exclaims coming over.

"Kid I need a bedroom fast!" I tell him.

"Mine is down the hall, farthest on the right." Natasha speaks up and I nod making my way there.

When I get us inside I gently lay her on the bed and the others come in.

"How do you feel Natasha?" I ask her.

"Well I'm losing quite a bit of blood and I hear you need that stuff to live." She winces lightly.

"How can you joke at a time like this Natasha?!" Her mother exclaims in a panic.

"The ambulance is on the way." Steve says.

"They'r- they're not gonna get here in time!" I stress pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Kid, I need some towels, a needle and some thread, tweezers. Oh! And tampons." I tell the brown hair boy.

He goes to leave but is stopped.

"You're out of your lunatic mind if you think I'm going to let you penetrate my daughter!" Howard exclaims.

"Not that it's any of your business but I've already penetrated your daughter." I tell him and his face gets so red in anger as he opens and closes his mouth not knowing what to say.

"Peter go! Go get the stuff!" Steve tells him and he rushes out the room.

"Please if you can do it please save her." Maria tells me and I nod.

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