Ch 30

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Small Time Skip

It was late, my buttoned shirt undone and Natasha was on my lap without her shirt, her smooth skin on display as her black lace bra was teasing me to be torn off. We were on the couch of her apartment when her door knob started to jiggle.

"Shit! It's Wanda!" Natasha says hastily getting off my lap. 

"I thought she was at work?!" I hiss buttoning my shirt back up.

"I thought that too! You need to go." She says.

I look around.

"Where?!" I hiss.

"I don'-

She stops when she sees me grabbing the table side lamp.

"What are you doing?!" She asks lowly.

"Getting ready to defend myself." I say.

"You're gonna blind her?" She asks unamused as she puts her shirt back on.

"Well I don't want to get shot-

"She's accepting-

"She knows?!-

"Nat we really need to replace that door kno-

Wanda comes in and sees us and her eyes slightly widen. No one saying a word.

"I thought you were at work." Natasha breaks the silence.

"I was but since The Joker isn't out making messes we have to clean up. Fury let me leave early." She explains slowly as she looks at me up and down as if inspecting me.

"You're welcome." I smile and Natasha nudges me.

"Soo?" Wanda questions looking between Natasha and I.

"Wanda, this is J. J, this is Wanda." Natasha introduces.

"Are we supposed to shake hands or something?" I ask Natasha.

"We don't have to but you can put the lamp down." Wanda tells me making me see I still have it in my hand and I put it back on the table.

Everyone is still in the same spot and I don't know what to do or say.

"Okay, why don't I get us all a few drinks, we order take out and we get you two acquainted?" Natasha breaks the silence.

"Okay." Wanda says as I just nod.

Natasha walks away to the kitchen but the second she's out of sight she hears shuffling and clicks. She turns back to see J and Wanda aiming their respective guns at each other.

"I wasn't even gone for three seconds!" Natasha exclaims.

"I don't trust her." Wanda and I literally say at the same time as we point to each other.

"Guys, just put the guns down." She sighs but I don't.

Natasha then comes over to me.

"You want to hurt her police persona not her. Just like she wants to hurt your criminal persona, not the real you. So both of you just relax. There is no need for weapons to be used inside the house." She says.

"Alright." I grumble and she takes my gun from my hand and goes over to Wanda sticking her hand out as I put my blazer back on.

"I'm a cop I'm actually allowed to have a gun." She says.

"Just for right now." Natasha says and Wanda sighs handing it over.

"Great. Now, I'm going to go to the kitchen. Please, don't kill each other in the 5 seconds I'm gone." She says as she goes to the kitchen.

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