Ch 34

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I was in one of the back rooms holding a meeting with my guys.

"So what's the word on Cesaro?" I ask in my seat.

"Well since he didn't come up with his end of your capture, he's at Fury's precinct detained right now." Frost says and I smirk slightly.

"That's what the bastard gets. I mean, he thought he can rat me out? He's a bigger idiot than I thought." I chuckle making them do the same.

Then there's a knock on the door interrupting us. Bruno opens the door slightly then all the way. I see it's Natasha and I smile but then clear my throat.

"Meeting over. Resume your posts." I say and they all nod leaving the room without a word.

"Hey gorgeous." I smirk as Natasha comes over to my side.

"Hey stud, I just came to tell you I have to go. I still have to stop at my place to change for work." She tells me rubbing my shoulders softly.

"Alright, you need a ride?" I offer her.

"Thanks but Wanda is already on her way." She tells me and I nod.

"Don't get in any trouble while I'm not here." She adds making me smirk.

"It's fine, Cesaro is taken care of by your people." I say and she gives me an unsure look.

"But seriously J, please stop this chaos." She pleads softly and I sigh.

"My business-

"Of killing, stealing, and drugs." She interrupts.

"It took a long time to build my empire and I'm not gonna lose it to someone who thinks they can challenge me on my level." I tell her and she sighs.

"I think Wanda's here. I'll see you later." She says and I don't bother to stop her not wanting to start an argument right now.


Police Station

Natasha makes her way to her desk and starts some routine paperwork she has to fill from one of her cases. She briefly looks up then back down but her heads snaps back up when she's sees who's inside an interrogation room.

She sees Cesaro talking to Tony. Cesaro scoffs then turns to the side where they make eye contact. Natasha looks away pretending she didn't see him.

Cesaro's eyes widen slightly as realization hits him.

Natasha looks back at the interrogation room and sees Cesaro talking to Tony as his left hand motions in her direction and her heart drops.

She gets up from her seat and makes her way to Wanda's desk but a voice stops her just as Wanda looks up.

"Natasha." She hears and turns to see Tony standing outside the interrogation room.

"We need to talk." He says seriously.

Wanda and Natasha share a look before she makes her way to him. She then looks through the window to see Cesaro smirking at her.

"What's up Tony?" She asks casually.

They walk into the small room behind the one way mirror.

"Do you know that man?" Tony asks pointing at Cesaro.

Natasha takes a close looks at him, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Mm no, never met him. Why?" She asks her older brother.

"Because he says otherwise. He says you're dating the Joker!" He exclaims and Natasha's heart drops down to her stomach.

"W-what?!" She says.

"Tony that's- that's crazy." She chuckles.

"Yeah? Then why do you have a hickey on your neck?" He asks pointing at the red heads neck and she places a hand of it.

"I may be seeing someone." She says.

"The Joker?!" He exclaims.

"No! No!-

"That would explain why you don't want her dead-

"It's Bruce! I'm seeing Bruce." Natasha says and a look of relief comes over his eyes.

"*sighs* That's a relief." He says placing a hand on his chest and she hums.

"Then why would this guy lie?" He then asks.

"He probably wants to get under your skin. Since he's here being questioned." She shrugs.

"He was sort of helpful. We hit Joker and there are no records of her in any hospital. So hopefully she bled out and is dumped-

"Tony just continue this interrogation and lock him up please." Natasha cuts him off closing her eyes.

"Oh, right. He's gonna get locked up for a looong time." Tony says making Natasha smile.

"Good." She mumbles.

She steps out of the room then over to the window to see Cesaro with the stupid grin still on his face. When she smiles back with a small wave his amused face falls and his confidence fades.

When she turns her face falls, her heart still beating fast at her secret almost being revealed. She makes her way to the water cooler getting some water and she hears someone approach her.

"Nat, you okay? You look pale?" Wanda asks her concerned.

"I um- I don't know what just happened. But, I think I told Tony I'm dating Bruce." Natasha says and Wanda's eyes widen.

"What?!" She hisses.

"The criminal Tony is interrogating, was one of J's colleageus. He knows about the two of us and told Tony. He asked me about it then saw my hickies and I panicked and said I was seeing Bruce." Natasha explains.

"So what are you gonna do now? What are you gonna tell J?" Wanda asks.

"Nothing. Just because I told Tony doesn't mean I have to actually date Bruce-

"Hey Nat, Steve and decided to take you and Bruce out tonight. Our treat." Tony smiles making his way to them.

"Tonight?" Natasha asks.

"Yeah. Call Bruce and tell him that we're taking you guys out." He says and she forces out a smile.

"I will, thanks Tony." She says and he walks away.

Natasha turns back to see Wanda raising an eyebrow at her.

"I guess I do have to tell J." She mumbles.

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