Ch 29

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Natasha and I are tangled in the beds white sheets, I'm sitting up against the headboard while Natasha is on her phone.

"So when do they get here?" I ask lighting up another cigar.

"What?" She asks turning to me.

"Your cop buddies. When do they get here to turn me in." I reiterate taking a puff.

"They don't know I'm here." She says putting her phone away.

"They want me dead." I tell her.

She sits up and kisses me slow and sensually as she takes my cigar. I groan when she pulls away and takes her own puff of my cigar.

"I don't want you dead. I want you here, with me." She says, giving it back and she cuddles into my side.

"Why'd you do it? Why'd you lie?" I ask swallowing thickly and I feel her tense up against me.

She sits up bringing the sheet up to cover her bare chest as she takes a deep breath.

"When I gave Tony the shot so he could walk, my dad, he asked where I got it. I didn't say it was you but after a while they figured it out and I explained what happened. But he, he wanted you locked up. H-he made me lie." She explains and my jaw clenches.

"So your dad is the reason?" I ask.

"Y-yeah." She admits.

I try to not get angry as I take a bigger puff.

"I knew I should've taken care of him a long time ago." I grumble.

"Please don't talk like that James." She says softly going to grab my hand but I pull away getting up from the bed.

"How can I not?!" I growl going over to pour myself a drink.

"I- I mean I believed I actually did that shit to you. Two and a half fucken years in that shit hole. And everyday I thought about the accusations against me after a while I believed them to be true until Regina snapped me back to reality these last couple days." I tell her as I drink my Hennessey.

Natasha gets up from the bed wrapped in the sheet as she makes her way to me.

"I'm sorry James, they're my family and I- I don't know what I was thinking." She whimpers.

I go to pour myself another drink but she stops me.

"Drinking isn't going to change anything babe." She says as she takes the glass away as I scoff.

"We need to talk." She adds sitting on the bed.

"Now what?" I ask.

"About the crimes you've done in the last couple days." She states.

"Crimes? More like payback." I tell her.

"I don't think that truck driver did anything to you." She deadpans unamused.

"Well I had to get your attention some how princess." I smirk, leaning down smashing my lips on hers messily.

She kisses back but pushes me away after a minute.

"James seriously." She huffs.

"What Natasha? I haven't done anything that bad." I scoff and she looks at me like I'm out of my damn mind.

"That doctor had it coming for using my research trying to copy my shot." I grit.

"What about Judge Phillips?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"He's still alive ain't he?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes but-


"What about me? You shot me. You hurt me." She says and my careless attitude falters as I look down.

"You hurt me the moment you betrayed me in court." I whisper and she doesn't say anything.

"So what's your plan Stark? Who's side are you on. Mine or your family's? Cuz I'm not one to play games. I won't treat them lightly if they come here and try to take me away again." I say as I kneel in front of her.

"I'm on no ones side. I just want to be happy and being with you makes me happy." She says wrapping her arms around my neck.

"And having my family alive makes me happy too." She adds pecking my lips.

"As long as they don't cross me everything's fine." I tell her going to kiss her again but she pulls back.

"Don't do anything you're not supposed too and they don't have to." She says and I grumble.

"I have business's to run cupcake. Can't please everyone." I tell her with a shrug.

"Can you try and please me?" She asks and I smirk.

"That I can do." I say removing the sheet from her body kissing down her body.

"N-not what I meant." She says and I ignore her.

"J-James." She tries to push me away so we can continue our serious conversation but I continue my ministrations.

I then take a long lick at her folds before sucking on her clit.

"Oh fuck!"


"Oh my god!" Wanda squeals as the two are talking in the living room of their shared apartment.

"I can't believe it. Little good Natasha Stark fucking a criminal." She laughs.

"We're not fucking. It's more than that." Natasha says.

"And don't tell anyone." She adds.

"You know I'm not even though it's against everything we were taught in the academy." She says and Natasha looks down.

"Hey, I'm kidding." Wanda says sincerely.

"I know I know but, I really like her and I can't necessarily bring her over to meet you guys." Natasha sighs.

"Why not?" Wanda asks and Natasha gives her a 'really' look.

"Because everyone will have their guns aimed at her as she's pinned to the ground." Natasha deadpans.

"I just want you to be happy Nat. And if being with The Joker makes you happy. Who am I to judge?" She shrugs.

"Thanks Wanda. I just wish the guys thought like that." Natasha sighs.

"Just tell her to not do crimes and things might lighten up." Wanda says.

"I did." She says.

"And what'd she say?" Wanda raises an eyebrow.

"Well, we didn't get to far in the conversation." Natasha mumbles and Wanda gives her an amused look.

"Soo, she's good in bed?" Wanda asks making Natasha blush.

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