Ch 15

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It's the next morning, Regina and Natasha are in the kitchen, the red head having an early breakfast.

"I didn't hear them come back last night." Natasha says picking at her food before taking a bite.

"I didn't either." Regina sighs blowing on her cup of coffee.

Just then Bruno walks in casually into the kitchen.

"Where the hell were you guys?!" Regina asks the guard startling him.

"The boss had errands to run, we then went to the club." Bruno replies huskily with a shrug pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"You guys should've called." Natasha says softly.

"She wasn't in the best mood, we just followed her around. I wasn't going to suggest anything." He shakes his head.

J stumbles into the kitchen her clothes on messily, lipstick and hickies all over her neck and chest.

"Where wer-

Regina starts but stops when she sees who's attached to J.

"Lauren." Regina deadpans.

"Hi Regina and Natalie was it?" She raises an eyebrow at Natasha.

"*Fake smile* Hi Laurie." She responds taking a sip of her coffee making Lauren glare at her.

"I should get going J-

"You not hungry? I can make Regina whip you up something." I offer her.

Regina looks at Natasha and Bruno in disbelief, her eyes widening, and mouth opening and closing.

"Well I can't say no to Regina's amazing cooking." Lauren smirks turning to Regina who's fuming by now.

"You heard her Regina she's hungry, chop chop." I say snapping my fingers at the end.

I then take Lauren to the dining room.

"Chop?! Chop?! The snapping! Lauren?! *groans*" Regina exclaims waving her arms around.

"Calm down Regina, Lauren will leave in a bit and it'll all be over." Bruno tells her calmly.

"How the hell did she even get here?!" She asks.

"The boss brought her with her from the club." He responds.

"You're awfully quiet Stark." He then nods to the red head.

"I've lost my appetite." She responds softly pushing her plate away.

"Well I should start making J and her guest breakfast." Regina rolls her eyes going to the stove.

When she has the two plates ready she makes her way to the dining room to see Lauren sitting on the table while J is between her legs as they make out feverishly.

"Can you guys like not fuck on the table? Other people also eat here." Regina says interrupting Lauren and I's make out session.

I hesitantly step back so Lauren can get off the table. She takes a seat next to me.

"Thank you Regina." Lauren smiles as a plate is placed in front of her.

"Mhm." She hums going back to the kitchen.

"Don't mind her she's probably on her period or something." I tell Lauren making her chuckle.


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