Ch 20

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Natasha wakes up, slim rays of sun light peeking through dark curtains of the window. She turns to see James fast asleep next to her. Her soft breathing being heard. Natasha sighs remembering the events from last night sitting up slightly, pulling the sheet up to cover her bare chest. Her breath hitches when she feels an arm wrap around her waist. She turns to see James still asleep and a smile comes to her lips as she holds Natasha. Natasha leans her head back against the headboard closing her eyes but last nights flashbacks come into play, she sits up and slowly removes James's arm getting up from the bed as she sees J's purple satin robe behind the door and goes to grab it wrapping it around her body.

I shift awake and feel the other side of the bed cold and empty making me slowly get up with a rub of my eyes. I turn and see Natasha out on the balcony looking out to the river in my robe and honestly, it's a sight that I wouldn't mind to see every morning. I get up grabbing an extra robe I had that's black then walk out and lean against the door frame.

"All this can be yours." I say making my presence known and she turns to look over her shoulder.

"What?" She asks and I walk over behind her.

"Anything and everything you want. Everything I have you can have. We can rule this city. Together." I explain myself and she chuckles softly.

"You say it as if you have the whole world in your hands." She says.

I softly wrap my arms around her waist holding close.

"I do now." I smile, a genuine smile feeling at ease.

She leans her head back against my shoulder.

"You know what today is?" She asks.

"Friday?" I answer in a questionable manner.

"It's February 14, Valentine's day." She chuckles and my heart beat picks up.

"You want to do something?" I ask her taking a step back then go next to her so I can face her.

"It would be nice if we did." She hums.

"Then we'll do anything you want doll." I tell her tucking some hair behind her ear.

"Can I go into the city?" She then asks making me tense up.

"Why do you need to go to the city?" I question hesitantly.

"To get a nice outfit for tonight and maybe check up on Tony.." She mumbles and I sigh looking down.

"How do I know you'll come back?" I ask her softly.

She pecks my lips softly but it ends before I even know what's going on.

"I will J, trust me." She say looking into my eyes as she cups my cheek.

I hesitantly nod in agreement.

"Do you want protection? I can-

"I'm fine." She chuckles.

"Alright just take this with you, call me if you need anything." I tell her handing her a burner phone that was in the robe's pocket.

"Don't worry I'll be back for lunch." She assures taking it.

"Alright well atleast eat breakfast. I don't want you to go out in the city hungry." I tell her and she nods.

"I'm going to shower while breakfast is ready." She tells me.

"Can I join?" I smirk making her chuckle.

"Nice try." She pats my cheek going to walk away but she winces slightly.

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