Ch 14

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Another small time skip, December 27th if you like specifics


"So, how was Christmas?" Regina asks Natasha as they share a cup of coffee like they usually do every morning.

"It was, nice I have to admit. James was-

"Wait who?" Regina quickly cuts off.

"James- well J, did you not know that was her name?" Natasha asks.

"I knew that was her name how do you know?" She asks.

"She told me in the library." Natasha tells her.

"The library?" Regina asks then shakes her head.

"Okay walk me through it babe walk me through it." She adds motioning with her hands making Natasha chuckle.

"Well I made breakfast, she came down, I gave her her plate, she thought I poisoned it, we ate in the dining room, I sat down next to her, she nervously told me she had a gift for me it being the library, I gave her my gift which was a custom suit, she wanted to go back to work but I convinced her to make Christmas cookies with me, we went out to the snow for a bit, decorated the cookies and ate them while watching Christmas movies until we fell asleep. Then when we woke up through the drowsiness she asked for Harley, I asked who that was and she got mad and left to go work, I go up to make things right, later that night she takes me to Italy for some pizza, we come back, go to our rooms for the night, annnd that's pretty much it." She explains and the look on Regina's face is a mix between disbelief, confused, and surprise.

"How long was Christmas here?" Regina asks and Natasha chuckles shaking her head.

"We did alot. It was nice, I enjoyed my time with her." She nods.

"We're talking about the same green haired criminal right? Tats?-

"Pale skin, silver grills, tall, yes Regina. We're talking about the same person." Natasha smiles.

"I'm honestly surprised I thought you guys would have had each other by the throat." Regina chuckles taking a sip of her coffee.

"Me too, but James surprised me" She nods.

"Well just FYI calling her by her real name it's best if you just do that in private." Regina says making Natasha nod.

"Morning." I greet as I see Natasha and Regina in the kitchen sitting on the island.

"Good morning." They both greet back.

"Welcome back Regina." I say pouring myself a cup of coffee.

"Thanks?" She responds cautiously.

"How's the family?" I ask taking a sip turning my attention to her completly.

"They're good, are you feeling alright?" She asks me.

"I feel fine, why?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Well- you- no reason." She shakes her head.

"Well okay." I chuckle before walking over towards Natasha.

"Hey cupcake." I smirk.

"Hi J." She chuckles.

"Well I'm going to head back to my room, thanks for the coffee Regina." Natasha says getting up from her seat walking away and my gaze follows her.

"Why is she here James?" Regina asks as I take a seat.

"Because she wants her brother to walk again." I say simply talking a sip of my coffee.

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