Ch 37

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3 Days Later

It's morning and Natasha emerges from her room towards the kitchen of her apartment.

"More flowers?" Natasha asks softly as she sees Wanda by the table where the big arrangement of flowers was.

"And fruit." Wanda muffles over her shoulder while chewing.

Natasha sighs going over taking the fruit away from her friend.


"We're sending it back." Natasha says placing the fruit arrangement on the counter.

"You can't send it back after it's opened." Wanda says going to grab more but Natasha gives her a pointed look.

"Alright, alright point taken." She says grabbing a napkin to wipe her hands.

"Do you want me to go kick her ass? I still have half a mind to do it after you told me what happened." Wanda offers sincerely.

"No it's okay." Natasha says as she pours herself a cup of coffee.

"So what are you gonna do?" She asks.

"I don't know I haven't had time to think. And it doesn't help that she's sending flowers every morning, take out every night. I just don't know." Natasha says leaning against the counter.

"Have you reached out at all?" She then asks and Natasha shakes her head.

"And I don't want to right now. I really need to sort all of this out. She's probably getting herself into trouble as we speak." Natasha says as she's takes a sip of her coffee.

"Her club has been closed for 2 nights in a row. No criminal activity having anything to do with her. I wonder what she's up to." Wanda comments.


I sigh turning in the bed I haven't left for almost 3 days.

"J, you need to get up from this bed please." Regina tells me coming into the room.

"I don't wanna." I mumble shaking my head.

"James, you're not helping your situation by just laying here." She motions to me.

"I don't want to do anything. Just take my pills and, lay. Waste my days away until my last breath." I sigh and she rolls her eyes.

"Please, save me the dramatics and get up and shower." She tells me.

"No Regina!" I strain making her sigh.

"I don't feel like doing anything. I have no reason to get dressed, no reason to shower, no reason to get up from this very spot." I say pulling the covers over myself to hide.

"If you want her to take you back you have to take care of yourself." She says and I don't respond.

"You can't just lay here and hope sending flowers will make things better James."

"What about fruit and chocolates?" I muffle from under the covers.

"*sighs* No, change. Change gets her back." She says and I stay quiet before slowly moving the covers away.

"What if I change and, and she moves on anyway?" I ask quietly.

"Then it's her loss." She tells me and I look down.

"Alright I'm gonna do it." I nod making her smile.

"Now I'm gonna get showered and changed. And I need you to make a call for me." I tell her and she raises an eyebrow.


I'm all freshly showered and changed when I sit down on my bed and get my phone out. I look down at it before hesitantly starting to go through my contacts and press call. I hear it ring for a while.

"You have reached Natasha Stark's voicemail. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you when I can."

I hang my head down as I get her voicemail.

"Not surprised you didn't answer but um, I just wanted you to know that I um, plan on going to a rehab like thing. Just in case you were going to look for me or something. So yeah, I miss you like a lot so I'm doing this for yo- me. I'm doing this to be the person you deserve. So just in case you were gonna look for me I won't be at my club. So...yeah." I say then hang up the phone.

I leave the back room and make my way to the front.

"So you're really doing this boss?" Bruno asks.

"Yeah boys I am, don't worry you will all still get payed like usual." I tell him and Jonny.

I look over to Regina who has a smile on her face.

"I'm proud of you J." She says.

"Don't say that until I actually go through with it." I chuckle.

"I know you will." She says as she walks me out.

We leave out the back and get towards my car.

"You think you'll get there in one piece?" She asks.

"I hope, even though my car is a head turner." I shrug looking over at my Lamborghini.

"We'll be here when you get back." She says.

"I know." I say quietly with a nod.

She gives me a hug and I get in my car driving away.

Next stop,


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