Ch 45

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I got out of the shower covering myself in my robe but then contemplate as I open the door under the sink bringing out a small box.

"James what's taking so long?" Natasha asks as she comes into the bathroom.

"Nothing!" I say quickly hiding what I have behind my back.

She raises an eyebrow at me questionably.

"Okay well come downstairs to help me set the table." She says distractingly trying to see behind my back.

"Okay." I nod with a smile not moving from my place.

She comes over and pecks my lips and I get lost as she sticks her tongue in deepening the kiss as I never deny her access but then quickly grabs the item behind my back with the distraction.

"Just For Men?" She raises an eyebrow looking down at the box and I take it back.

"Why do you want to change your hair?" She asks placing a hand on her hip.

"Because, your family and friends are coming and I want to make a good impression." I mumble sincerely looking down.

"Babe, and I mean this in the nicest way possible. Your hair isn't going to change what they already think of you." She says softly as she places a hand on my chest making me sigh.

"I know, a killer criminal. I don't think I can redeem myself." I shake my head.

"I mean, the serum, green hair, tattoos, pale skin makes me look-

"Incredibly hot and sexy." Natasha cuts me off kissing my lips.

"I don't want you to change anything about your physical appearance. Plus when there's green hair clogging the drain I know to blame you." She teases making me chuckle.

"Alright, alright, I won't dye my hair." I sigh pecking her lips.

"Thank you. I don't care what they say about you because I know the real you, J." She says looking at me in the eye as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Thanks love." I smile kissing her forehead.

"Now come on we have to set the table then change." She tells me and I nod.


"Thank you for making dinner Regina, you made it so fast." Natasha says as we set the table.

"Yeah it was almost like magic." I chuckle as I hear footsteps approach me from behind.

I then get smacked upside the head making me yelp.

"No problem Natasha it was my pleasure." Regina smiles before giving me a side look to which I shrug and mouth 'what?'.

After we have everything set up, Regina takes her leave as she had plans of her own. I take a second to relax in the living room sitting on the couch taking a deep breath closing my eyes as I throw my head back, I then feel the couch dip.

"Nervous?" Natasha asks and I open my eyes and turn to see her leaning her head on her arm.

"This is your night. I just want it to go good." I tell her and she smiles starting to lean in.

The door bell rings before our lips can connect making me groan and Natasha giggles before she gets up to go open it and I follow. We open the door to see Natasha's friends and family, consisting of her parents, Tony and his family, and her best friends Clint and Wanda. It's awkward everyone just staring at one another.

"*clears throat* Come in, Come in. Make yourselves comfortable. Natasha will show you all to the living room." I nod stepping aside so they can come in, Natasha doing the same.

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