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Months Later

J's Club

Natasha walks into the club along with Clint, Wanda, Steve and Tony. They came here after their shift to unwind. Out of all places in the city Natasha doesn't know why they thought this was the best choice. They find a good place to sit down, not before receiving some looks from other people who Natasha knew were usual club goers, some of them minor offenders. Natasha looks over to the bar and sees a familiar face behind the counter.

"I'll get us drinks." She says getting up and leaving before anyone can say anything.

"H-hi Regina." Natasha greets softly as the woman wipes down the bar.

"Um what are you doing here?" She asks even though Regina hasn't acknowledged her but she knows she's there.

"Well I have nothing to do back at home so I work here now." Regina answers shortly.

"Have you seen her?" Natasha asks fidgeting with her hands.

"She doesn't want to see anyone. Turns all visitors away." Regina says.

Natasha licks her lips not knowing what to say.


"I'm sorry Ms.Stark but I'm very busy and I don't have time to amuse you." Regina cuts her off going to the other side of the bar.

"You have some nerve." She hears and turns around to see Jonny practically seething as Bruno pulls him back.

"Here to rub it in our face?!" He grits, his hands turning into fists.

"Is there a problem?" Tony asks stepping in front of Natasha protectively as the others come over.

"Oh look who thinks they're all tough because they can walk now." Jonny scoffs at the older Stark.

Tony's jaw clenches.

"It would be a shame if you couldn't walk again." He adds.

"Are you threateni-

"Tony just leave him be." Natasha pulls Tony back.

"Your kind isn't welcomed here anyway you guys should leave!" Jonny spits.

"We didn't mean to cause any harm." Wanda says calmly trying to diffuse the situation.

Bruno sighs at this confrontation.

"I think it's best if you guys just leave." He says finally getting Jonny to not be so aggressive.

"Come on Tony let's go somewhere else." Steve tells him calmly.

Tony turns to Steve his face softening before turning back to Natasha.

"Alright." He grumbles and they leave the club.


Arkham Asylum

I was strapped up in the white padded room standing on the opposite side of the wall with the door, my back to the door, I was just staring blankly at the wall nothing else better to do. Slight sunlight peeking in from the small high window. I hear the panel on the door slide open meaning someone was here but I don't acknowledge it.

"Hello James." They say making my head turn to the right.

"It's been a long time, I hope you're doing better."


"It hasn't been the same without you around, at least on the news I would hear about you but nothing."

No response.

"I bet you're wondering why I'm here and I know you know what today is, May 14. I wanted to check on you and see how you're doing today."


"I went to the cemetery this morning and dropped off some flowers on Harley's and Jackson's grave for you. I also cleaned them, I know those are things you would have wanted to do yourself today."

A small tear comes down my right eye.

"Time's up Mr.Wayne." The deeper voice of the guard is heard.

"Take care James, it was nice seeing you." Bruce says then the panel slides shut.

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