Ch 10

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Bright sunlight wakes me up with a groan. I sit up a bit and notice I'm on the couch in the living room. I lazily get up and go to the kitchen to see Natasha and Regina there.

"Well looks who's awake." Regina smiles and I groan.

"What time is it?" I rasp rubbing my eyes then my temples.

"8:16." She responds.

"And the sun is already up?" I ask.

"Yes J, that's what happens in the morning. You wouldn't know since you usually wake up at noon." She sighs.

"What happened to you last night? You're a mess." She asks looking at me up and down.

"Looks like she took a bite of a muffin." Natasha mumbles breaking her silence taking a sip of her coffee but it was still clearly heard. 

"What?" Regina asks turning to her confused.

"What can I say, I have a sweet tooth. Don't be jealous cupcake." I smirk making the red head roll her eyes.

"Muffin? Cupcake? What are yo-

"Is breakfast ready?" I ask Regina changing the subject.

"Almost. Go shower, you reek of Hennessy, pot and Lauren's cheap perfume." Regina tells me waving me off.

"I smell good." I defend.

"You smell nasty. Get in the shower." Regina retorts and I shake my head leaving.

"Who's Lauren?" Natasha asks curiously.

"She's one of the hoes that's always at J's club. She's the one that gets J drugged up." Regina shakes her head.

"What does she look like?" She asks trying to differentiate all of the girls from J's club the night she went.

"Long black hair, green eyes, light skin." Regina lists off and Natasha nods as she chuckles slightly.

"What?" Regina asks.

"I saw her at the club, she's pretty. Gave me dirty looks." Natasha says taking another sip of her coffee.

"Really?" Regina asks interested.

"Yeah, I guess she saw that I came in with J. But it didn't take her long to get her attention." She explains.

"Well with her chest and rear I'm not even a little surprised." Regina says making Natasha chuckle.

"J has a lot of play things doesn't she?" Natasha asks.

"Yeah, but they're just distractions she wouldn't actually be with them." She shrugs and Natasha nods.


I was all showered and was eating breakfast in the kitchen on a stool not really feeling in the mood to eat in the dining room.

"So." Regina starts and I raise an eyebrow.

"Sooo?" I ask slowly chewing.

"The tree. What do you think about the tree?" She asks.

"It's bright." I say making her sigh.

"Do you like it?" She asks.

"Yes Regina it's the most beautiful tree I have ever laid my eyes on. No other tree compares to that one." I announce sarcastically making her roll her eyes.

"You can atleast pretend to like it?" She asks with a sigh.

"What can I say? I don't like Christmas." I shrug.

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