Ch 27

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She knows this is a bad idea. She knows this can't possibly end well but, she has to try. Natasha is on a boat and on her way, to Joker's mansion. Hoping the criminal is there. Luckily the rain has stopped and the night sky is clear.

Natasha sees the barbed wire fence around the property and she hears howling.

"They're just regular wolves, they're just regular wolves. J didn't train wolves to maul at her command." Natasha mumbles to herself to ease her slight nerves.

Natasha gets off of the boat and cuts through the side of the fence so she can sneak into the property.

When she makes her way up to the mansion she sees a dim light on so someone is inside. She picks the lock of one of the backdoors and gets inside, it's pitchblack. She gets her small flashlight to light her path.

She has no plan. She didn't think she'd get this far. J is known to have a lot of security but the house seems empty. Completely quiet.  Natasha is in her head so much that she doesn't hear anyone approach her from behind.

Next thing she knows she's knocked out.


Natasha wakes up with a slight groan and realizes she's tied up to a chair in a dingy, damp room with a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling illuminating the room. She sees slight movement in a dark corner of the room.

"J-J?" Natasha calls out to the seemingly empty room.

She hears a low laugh and the led mask from before turns on.

"Step into the light." She says.

"There's no point of the mask. I know it's you J." She adds and the mask is taken off.

Her breath hitches slightly as she makes eye contact with the criminal herself. Seeing her up close.

"Where am I?" Natasha asks looking at me.

"What? You don't recognize this place? This was your room. Remember the chains? The dampness? Look there's the corner where I would rape you over and over and over till you passed out." I ask with a tilt of my head.

"That didn't happen." She says softly.


Echos through the room as her head whips to the side from the back hand she just received from me.

"I'm sorry what was that?" I ask turning my head to the side and leaning closer so I can hear her. 

"That didn't happen." The croaks loudly.

"No, I vividly remember pounding that tight pussy in the corner over there as you begged me to stop, yelling for someone to help you as I came inside you." I chuckle as I get a pocket knife out.

Natasha hating how J thinks that happened.

"How about we get another look at it?" I ask with a tilt of my head walking over to her and her eyes slightly widen.

"Please James don-

"Don't call me that!" I grit pulling my knife under her neck and she sucks in a breath.

"What are you doing here? Wearing a wire or something?" I ask swiftly slicing her shirt open revealing her bra and smooth creamy skin.

"N-No I'm not wearing a wire. I came to talk-

"I don't. Want to talk to you. Regina told me you would come around ask for me, look for me, from time to time. But I don't give a single fuck about you anymore so you can just rot in hell." I spit walking around her cutting the ropes setting her free.

Natasha looks down at her red irritated wrists.

I grab her by her wrist making her hiss slightly as I drag her out the room.

As she's pulled through the mansion Natasha looks at how destroyed and trashed it's gotten. Broken glass everywhere, wholes in the walls, what looks like dried blood on the floor.

"Can we pleas-

"Shut the fuck up!" I growl making my way outside.

I take her out to the boat she came from throwing her on it and she slightly stumbles.

"Please James-

"Don't call me that! Now go before you don't make it out." I say darkly pulling out my gun.

"You would really shoot me? Hurt me?" She asks swallowing thickly.

"Try me." I grit cocking my gun aiming straight at her.

"I just want to talk-


"Fuck!" She yells as I shoot her in her thigh.

"And I want you to leave." I say then turn around back through the gate locking it and go back towards my house not once looking back.

"You've killed and hurt innocent people in one night J! That isn't you!" She calls out.

"It is me! The real me! The person you tried to change-

"The real you is kind and caring! Not this criminal persona! The real you is-" Natasha tries desperately but I ignore her heading into the house slamming the door shut. 

"-the one I fell in love with." Natasha whimpers softly as she looks down at her bullet wound.

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