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It had been months now since Cassidy and Kelsey returned from LA. Things went back to normal, or well as normal as they could.

Cassidy and Austin talked every day, FaceTiming and texting. Eric and Kelsey were still going strong and doing great as well. Eric being the sappy one in their relationship and practically begging Kelsey to move out to LA. Kelsey was still toying with the idea, but Cassidy knew she was going to do it. She didn't have much holding her down.

It's not like Cassidy did either. She could find another job, especially in LA, and her mom and brother would understand.. plus they would have a reason to visit California.

The bakery was getting busier with the fall season approaching, and Cassidy was enjoying the opportunity to keep herself busy. She wanted to slap herself for missing Austin as badly as she did. It was consuming her mind.

There were only a few weeks left in the tour until he was finally able to go home... and she knew that's where she wanted to be.

Cassidy has just walked through the door on a Thursday afternoon when her phone began to ring. She shuffled quickly, pulling it from her pocket to see an unknown, but local, Baltimore number.


Good evening ma'am, this is officer Clark with the County police station. Is this Cassidy Williams?

Uh-ye-yes. This is her? How can I help you?

Well Ms. Williams, there has been an accident. We were told to notify you as the emergency contact. Are you able to make it to Baltimore Washington Medical Center?

Cassidy froze.
Yes. I'll be there as soon as possible...

She went numb. She ran to Kelsey's room with tears already filling her eyes. She didn't even know what was going on yet.

"Woah, what's wrong?" Kelsey sat up on her bed.

"I -uh. I gotta go to the hospital.. there was-was An accident and i- i guess i was the emergency. Contact.." Cassidy didn't know what she was saying. She felt like she was speaking another language.

In an instant Kelsey grabbed Cassidys hand and made sure she had her wallet and purse and made it into the care safely and made the 10 minute drive to the hospital.

Cassidy was given a bit of direction on where to go on the phone, but it was like she was being pulled in the right direction. Like her body didn't realize where it was going.

They were met by the officers and unfortunately Kelsey had to wait outside for Cassidy. She pulled her phone out to not only keep herself occupied, but to give Austin a heads up.. the only reason she did it was beds she she knew Cassidy wouldn't right away. She wanted to make sure Austin knew what was going on with his girlfriend.

The hallway Cassidy was led down felt 5 miles long. She passed plenty of rooms, all with their doors closed. But she couldn't help but wonder what was behind them. Until she was led into a room herself. She wanted to turn around a run.

There she was. Her beautiful mother, laying in a hospital bed, her face covered in all sorts of tubes and wires. she felt her face twist up in an instant. Tears spilling from her eyes.

"What happened?" She was finally able to speak up.

"She was cut off on the highway. She lost control of her car and it flipped 3 times before hitting the median. The other car didn't stop." The officer spoke up. "The reason we called you here is because you were listed as your mothers power of attorney. We need your permission to make the next move." The officer spoke up, before turning things over to the doctor in the room.

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