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The morning of PostyFest, everyone met in the lobby before being shuttled to the venue. The groups split up and piled into the same two Escalades.

"Dude I'm so excited, this is gonna be fucking insane." Brandon exclaimed. He knew he was excited to tell his friends and send his friends from back home pictures and videos of his day.

Everyone was running around doing various sound checks on all the stages, making sure all the different vendors and games were set up as well as all the artist green rooms. 

Cassidy has seen Austin a few times that morning since getting to the venue, but each time he'd been so busy he couldn't really talk.

Brandon, Kelsey, and, Cassidy walked around the venue a few hours after the gates had opened to check everything out. All 3 of them taking pictures of one another and themselves with the different props and the Dimitri character walking around.

Kelsey helped Cassidy take photos as she had been approached a handful of times by Austin's fans.

"You're fuckin famous now bitch!" Kelsey exclaimed.

"Yeah hardly. They just know me from Instagram." Cassidy dismissed the subject. She felt her phone vibrate from her back pocket.

Come to my green room.

Is all the message said. She smiled and told Kelsey to keep an eye on Brandon for her while she met up with Austin.

She flashed her pass to get into members only area and made her way down the hall to his green room. She was feeling proud that she'd remembered how to get there from this morning. She knocked twice on the closed door before opening it up, revealing a shirtless Austin, sipping on a bud light.

"Hi babe." He spoke, smiling as she entered the room. She soon realized he was actually alone for once today.

"You're alone." It wasn't a question.

"I am. I told everyone to fuck off for a bit. I dont have anything to do until 9. Even though I know I'll be pulled away before then." He stepped closer to Cassidy, bending slightly to kiss her lips. "You look cute today. I forgot to tell you that this morning."

"Thank you! It's already hot as balls outside. So my makeup will be long gone soon." Cassidy looked over Austin's shoulder and saw a cake on the table behind him. "They made you a cake? With your face on it!" She laughed as she saw Austin's face on the cake, with the word "congratulations" in quotations above his head.

Austin reached over Cassidy shoulder and swiped some icing with his finger. He acted as though he was going to eat it, however, instead he drew his finger from Cassidy's forehead to her chin, dragging the icing along the way.

"Oh my god. Are you fucking kidding me?" Cassidy laughed. "Austin Richard. I'm going to kill you!"

Austin was laughing hysterically as he watched his small girlfriend, with a line of fluffy yellow icing down the center of her face, look like she was going to have an aneurism. Before he could even react, Cassidy had grabbed her own icing and smeared it all over Austin's face.

"Suck it Post!" Cassidy held her icing covered middle finger up at Austin as she also laughed.

This quickly escalated things, and the couple found themselves in a all out cake fight in Austin's green room.

"Okay okay I surrender!!!" Cassidy squealed as Austin wrapped his arms around Cassidy's shoulders from behind, threatening to smash a large piece of cake into her face again.

"I'm gonna be real honest, this isn't what I had in mind when told you to come back here.." Austin spoke up with a chuckle.

"Yeah I didn't think so. But now we have to get cleaned up, so no funny business." Cassidy teased as she stood on her toes to lick a small bit of icing from Austin's cheek.

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