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The next couple of days were an absolute blur. Kelsey and Cassidy took time to pack up the house and they spoke to their landlord to let him know they were leaving.

Luckily, their landlord was very nice, and understood why they were moving out and didn't charge them any sort of early cancellation fees. They were also lucky enough to sell or give away all the larger furniture they didn't need.

She let the bakery know she wouldn't be returning from her break. They understood and wished her nothing but the best, and let her know that she'd always have a job on the east coast.

Cassidy and her grandmother spoke to the family lawyer to make sure everything was settled. Her mothers life insurance policy was going to help both her and her brother get on their feet out in California. Cassidy also made sure her grandmother was getting everything for her mothers house in the end once it sells. Because Cassidy was going to be leaving the state shortly, she wasn't going to be here to assist with selling it, so her grandmother offered.

The lawyer insisted that everything was settled and that Cassidy was now Austin's legal guardian. They were in the clear to leave the state, and they were honestly both very excited.

Her parents house was currently filled with flowers and cards from countless family members a and coworkers. At least it smelled nice.

Cassidy took Austin up to her mothers room and decided to look around for anything she would want to take with her. Anything sentimental that she would want to make sure she had.

Austin sat on the edge of the bed and watched his girlfriend slowly move around the room. He was still in awe over how strong she was. She'd cried a few times here or there, but she was so focused on making sure everything was taken care of. That everyone else was taken care of. He knew he had to make sure she was taken care of, even if he had to do it.

Cassidy emerged from the closet with a box. She set it on the bed and removed the lid. It was filled with photos. She started to flip through them occasionally pulling one out here and there.

One brought a faint smile to her lips. It was a picture of all 4 of them, her parents, herself and her brother. Brandon must have only been around 3 or 4. They were standing in front of the fountain at Hershey Park, somewhere they used to go a lot as kids. She couldn't help but notice how happy they all were. You could tell they were a very close family. She placed that photo to the side and went back to looking.

She found a gorgeous picture of her parents that must have been from the 80's, way before her and her brother were alive. They were looking at one another laughing, and you could feel the love through the photo.

"You look just like your mom.." he spoke softly. This made Cassidy smile. "Even with the different hair." He teased. Cassidy nudged him playfully before shaking her head and putting the lid back on the box. She stacked the photos she selected on her mothers dresser before moving back to the closet.

In the end, she only walked out with the photos, a few t shirts, a sweatshirt and 2 rings.

"I don't even know if I'll wear these. But they stick out in my mind, It's actually weird that she wasn't wearing them.." Cassidy spoke to no one in particular.


Liked by adamdegross, and 989,562 more

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Liked by adamdegross, and 989,562 more.
PostMalone: Literally the strongest person I've ever met. I love you and can't wait till we're home. 🖤☠️
User4 "were" home? What does that even mean?
User5 I read online that her mom died. I bet she's moving in with him because of that
User6 wow .. hopefully she doesn't suck him dry
User7 I think she's gorgeous! I'm so happy for them. I hope everything is okay!
KelsTheCreator only a few more sleeps till you're stuck with us in the same time zone! 😈
CassCat I love you more. I'm excited for the next chapter.
Bwilliams17 don't forget about me too! 😇
User9 what even is going on???


Cassidy woke up the morning after her mothers funeral and it felt like she was still dreaming. She thought for sure it would become more real afterwards, but it wasn't the case. She tossed and turned all night. Waking up and checking the time every few hours. The visions of everything keeping her from falling into a deep sleep.

Austin knew she needed time to heal and he was prepared to give her all the time in the world. Yesterday was surreal to Austin. He met so many of Cassidys family members, and he knew why she was so strong. He heard countless stories about her father, and Cassidy as a child. He got to meet a few of her family members that were fans of his, but never once said anything other than "I love your music." He was glad to see Cassidy was surrounded by so many great people.

They had been sleeping in Cassidys childhood bedroom until it was time to move. He woke up before her and threw a shirt and some sweat pants on before heading downstairs to make breakfast for her and Brandon.

As he was cooking the eggs, the basement door opened and Brandon appeared with his shaggy brown hair all over the place.

"Hungry?" Austin spoke up.

"Yeah. I haven't eaten much." Brandon spoke up as he looked at his phone. Austin looked at Brandon like he did his own brothers. He was a great kid, with a great head on his shoulders. He only hoped this wouldn't break him too much.

Austin finished up with the eggs, bacon and toast and put a plate in front of Brandon who was sitting at the island. Brandon smiled and thanked him as he made his way upstairs to check on Cassidy.

"Hey, Cass. I made breakfast." Austin rubbed her arm.

"Okay. I'll be down in a minute. Thanks babe." She barely opened her eyes but flashed Austin a smile. She heard him retreat back downstairs and smiled to herself when she realized it was almost time to move to LA.

She sat up and looked around the room. It hadn't changed much since Cassidy moved out a few years ago. Her mom hadn't even taken the pictures off the walls.

She glanced at her phone and saw that it was almost eleven AM, and almost immediately felt bad for sleeping so late.

And that's when her mind snapped back to reality. Her mothers funeral was yesterday. She was buried next to her father and watching the casket be lowered into the ground, only feet away from her father, broke her.

As much as she didn't want to get out of bed, she knew she needed to. Not only for herself, but her bother and Austin as well. She threw on a hoodie and leggings and finally went downstairs to eat.

A/n: this chapter is pretty all over the place. I'm hoping it'll even out soon!

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