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Cassidy and Austin watched as Brandon and Lea sat and talked while sitting next to the pool. Brandon looked happy. Like genuinely happy. Cassidy hasn't seen that kind of a smile in quite some time now.

"Let's just let them talk," Cassidy spoke up and lead the way into the house. Austin closed the door behind him and followed Cassidy deeper into the house.

"He's so happy. I just want to give them some space." Cassidy smiled as she turned around to look at Austin. They stood in the living room, just at the bottom of the stairs.

"I love how much you care baby." Austin pulled Cassidy close. "You let me know when you wanna go back home, and we'll go." He pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"But while I have got alone." He scooped his girlfriend up and threw her over his shoulder before booking it up the stairs.  Cassidy barely fought back. She'd learned to just let it happen.

She laughed the whole trip up to the bedroom, before being dropped on the bed.

"While I have you alone... I wanted to give you your gift. It has to be early. And you'll see why."

"Fuck. Austin nooooo." Cassidy put her hands on her face as she lay back on the bed. She lay like that for a moment before feeling something small drop onto her chest. She peeked through her fingers to see an envelope sitting on her stomach. She sat up and looked at Austin with a skeptical look on her face.

"Oh for fuck's sake Cass just open it!" Austin laughed. So Cassidy finally opened up the envelope. It was a sweet birthday card, and upon opening it, Cassidy found a small note written on the inside.

"Thank you for being the brightest light in my life. Thank you for putting up with me, but most importantly, being my best friend. Hope you're ready!"

"Ready for what?" Cassidy looked up from the card, to see Austin handing her something. He narrowed her eyes as she took the paper from his hand. Upon opening the papers it was a flight confirmation to London.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Cassidy whispered. "When!?" Austin watched as her eyes scanned the paper again.

"We leave tomorrow night."

"Holy shit Austin this is amazing." Cassidy stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck in a tight hug.


"Babe, are you sure Eric agreed to keep an eye on Brandon. I feel so bad.." Cassidy, Austin, and Alex we're currently on their way to the airport. As much as Cassidy wished it could be just the two of them on this trip, she knew that Alex was a necessity. Things were going to get crazy.

"Yessss. Cassidy, I promise! Kelsey too! They're gonna come by every night. And Brandon has school remember?" Austin smirked. "He's almost 18 babe. I'm sure he'll be fine. The worst thing he'll do is have Lea over and then lie to us about it." This made Cassidy chuckle.

Cassidy sighed as she saw the airport coming into view. She watched as they pulled up to a gate, only to have it open after the driver showed his ID. The car then pulled right up to the small plane on the tarmac.

"Sorry but this will never not be cool to me." Cassidy smiled as they got out of the car.

"I've gotten to do it plenty of times and it's still cool to me." Austin grinned.

The couple, along with Alex, boarded the privet jet for their trip to London.

The jet was small, but still had plenty of space for the 3 passengers and 2 flight attendants in the back. The first few hours of the flight were rather boring, Cassidy and Austin took turns playing a random game on Austin's phone and Cassidy took a whole 45-minute nap. When she woke back up, she looked over to see Austin looking at her.

"Hello creep." She smirked.

"Look. I was about to wake you up. Alex is knocked out. Let's go back there and join the mile high club." Austin spoke softly, but quickly. Clearly, he'd put some thought into this.

Cassidy laughed as she glanced over at Alex. She stood up, grabbed Austin's hand and lead the way to the small hallway that leads to the bathroom. The best part about this "hallway" was that it had an accordion door that closed the rest of the plane out.

Cassidy turned around as Austin quietly closed the door, and instantly connected his lips to Cassidy's.

The kiss was rushed and heated, both of them know they should be quick just in case someone tried to come back that way, and that thrill turned them on even more.

Austin's kisses trailed down Cassidy's neck and to her collar bones as he began to mess with the drawstring of Cassidy's sweat pants. She got the hint and pulled them down to her knees and let her hand dip into Austin's gym shorts. She felt his growing erection as she took it in her hands, causing Austin to drop his head back.

"Fuck I can't wait.," Austin mumbled as he turned Cassidy around and bent her over. She placed her hands on the wall to brace herself, as Austin entered her from behind.

Cassidy has to remind herself to stay quiet, as Austin began hitting all the right spots from this new position.

The thrill and excitement gave Austin the idea to grab a fistful of Cassidy's hair as she was bent over in front of him. He did and pulled back slightly. This earned a moan from Cassidy instantly. Austin did what he could to enjoy the sight in front of him before feeling the climax building in his abdomen.

Austin released the grip on Cassidy's hair as he came down from his orgasm, pulling out of Cassidy slowly. She turned around as she pulled her pants back up and smiled at her boyfriend.

"Holy shit babe." She chuckled. "That might have been some of the best sex we've ever had.." Cassidy playfully whispered in his ear.

"Probably the quickest, but I'm gonna have to agree." He smirked down at Cassidy. "Now let's get back out there before people get suspicious."

A/n: wowowow I told y'all the updates would slow down and I'm sorry. I honestly feel bad. I've hit a point where I'm low on ideas, and I love having pre written chapters, and at this point I only have one. Anywho! Don't forget to comment and vote! I love you guys so much! Thanks for 11k so far! 🖤

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