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Austin and Cassidy decided to get Brandon a car for Christmas. While even though he had his license back in Maryland, he never had a car of his own.

Cassidy wanted to get him something simple, while Austin if course wanted to go all out. Cassidy had to bring him back to reality, that a 17-year-old would be driving in LA.

The couple was currently walking around the Jeep/Chrysler dealership looking at the different options.

"Isn't it a bit cliche?" Cassidy spoke up, as they were staring at the brand new Jeep Wrangler in front of them.

"I mean maybe a little bit. But you don't think it's perfect for B?"

"Oh for sure. He'll love it. I just feel like every 17-year-old boy gets a Jeep." Cassidy teased.

"Bullshit. My first car was a 96 Nissan Altima. That bitch was a champ!" Austin laughed.

"Whatever! Are we doing this?"

It took a few hours, but Cassidy and Austin made a deal for a brand new green 2019 Jeep Wrangler. It was fully loaded. All the bells and whistles. It actually made Cassidy a little jealous.

"You might have to fight me to get the keys. This is so damn nice!" Cassidy laughed. "Which is why I'm going to drive this to Ash's house." She grinned at Austin from the driver's seat. Ashley had agreed to let the couple keep Brandon's Jeep in her driveway, as it was close enough and out of her way.

"Yeah yeah. Enjoy it while it lasts lady. Just follow me. We can take the long way." Austin winked as he walked back to his truck.

Austin was true to his word and took the long way to Ashley's house, and about 45 minutes later they were pulling up to her long driveway.    She was already standing out front leading Cassidy to believe Austin must have called her.

"Halls, thanks for letting us commandeer your driveway for a bit." Austin got out of his car and hugged the small brunette.

"Of course. Anything for you guys!"

"Here, take these in case you need to move it or something. I'll have a spare." Cassidy handed the main key over to Ash.

"Look you know I've gotta ask. Are you okay?" Ashley spoke up as she slid the key into her back pocket.

"I'm okay. Honestly. I'm trying to be anyway. Ask Aust. I have my days. I think I'm going to join him on the rest of his tour right after Christmas. So I'll get to go with him to his New Years' performance." Cassidy smiled and Ashley could tell it was genuine.

"That's so good to hear! You definitely deserve it, and you're going to have a blast on tour." 

The couple stood and talked to Ashley for just a bit longer before getting back into Austin's truck and making their way home.

The moment the pulled into the gated driveway, they both stepped out of Austin's truck, but Austin quickly ran around to the passenger side. Before Cassidy knew it, Austin had scooped Cassidy up and over his shoulder and ran towards the house.

"God damn it Austin Richard what the fuck are you doing!?" Cassidy squealed as she was upside down behind Austin's back.

Austin came to a quick stop when he realized Brandon and his girlfriend were sitting on the couch. "Hey, guys. Nothing to see here." And he booked it for the back yard leaving the two teens laughing in the living room.

"Aust-NO. PUT ME DOWN. BABE-please!!?" She knew where this was going and she wasn't looking forward to it.


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