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"This is your room B." Austin spoke as he led Brandon down the hall of the house. I had my assistant Eric clean the room out for you so let me know if you find anything else that needs to be taken out of here.

"Dude this is fucking sick." Brandon exclaimed. Cassidy smiled at her brothers excitement.

"Your stuff should be here tomorrow if everything goes according to plan, so I hope you don't mind just crashing on the couch for tonight." Cassidy spoke up.

"Nah that's fine." Brandon pulled his phone out and took a picture of the empty room. Cassidy assumed so he could send a picture to his friends back home. Her and Austin made their way back downstairs, with Brandon joining a few minutes later.

They arrived at Austin's house 15 minutes prior, and everyone was feeling a weird mix of excitement, exhaustion and anxiety. Eric helped carry everyone's bags in and put them in the correct rooms.

"When does Kelsey land?" Cassidy asked Eric as he sat on the couch looking at his phone.

"She won't get here until around noon tomorrow." Cassidy nodded. She was so excited she got to start this new chapter with her best friend as well.

"I'm gonna order food. Who wants what?" Cassidy grabbed her phone As she announced to the living room. They all agreed on PostMating Taco Bell.

Austin stood to walk outside to smoke and he pulled Cassidy along with him.

"Hi." He smiled as he put the cigarette up to his lips.

"Hi you!" She chuckled. "Brandon is so excited. I gotta go up to the school tomorrow and get him registered. It sucks he's gotta do his senior year in a different school."

"He's gonna be just fine. That kid will make friends in no time."

"Fuck I feel like I've aged 15 years overnight talking like this." Cassidy laughed dryly.

"Well you've been through some shit babe." Cassidy looked down. Austin pulled his phone out and began messing with it knowing exactly how he could at least make her smile.

Suddenly Cassidy heard the opening notes to "Ohio is For Lovers" by Hawthorne Heights playing from Austin's Phone. She immediately had to force herself to hold the laughter back as she watched Austin very dramatically play air guitar to the song.

"And oyy caynt mayke it on muyyy Ownnnn! Becaws muy heart is in ohhhhiiiiohhh!!!" Austin over enunciated each word, making Cassidy loose her mind.

"I think you chose the wrong career path hon." She stepped closer to Austin as he took a drag from his cigarette.

"I'm a man of many talents Cassidy. I thought you knew this about me." He put his hand on his chest in mock offense. Cassidy only shook her head and looked up as their PostMates was arriving.


Eric currently had Austin pulled away in the office to get some stuff ready for PostyFest at the end of October and they were currently waiting for Dre to arrive.

Cassidy and Brandon were lounging on the couch watching mindless TV, when she glanced over at her brother.

"Hey." She shifted. "How are you?" Brandon have a half smile before sighing a little.

"I'm okay Cass. Honestly." He sat up a bit more. "I should be asking you the same ya know."

"No. You don't need to worry about me. Between Austin, and Kelsey, I'm taken care of. Okay? It's my job to look after you. More so now than ever. We've barely talked since everything happened. I need to know that you're okay. Or if you're not..."

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