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After the incident that occurred at the bar, the couple decided to lay low for a while. Well, Austin decided, and Cassidy wasn't going to disagree. With Christmas only a few weeks away, Cassidy knew Austin would be returning to tour just days after. She wanted to take in as much time with him as she could.

Because of Austin's status, he of course had a very good lawyer on speed dial and has already been working with him to press charges against the asshole that attempted to hurt his fiancé.

The whole situation; dealing with a lawyer and law enforcement, gave Cassidy major anxiety. She was constantly on high alert. It was becoming taxing on her mind, and Austin and Kelsey were trying to get her to go see a doctor. But she refused, saying she'd calm down eventually.

She was currently on FaceTime with Kelsey, as she sat in the backyard to discuss ideas on what to get her millionaire fiancé for Christmas. She was at a loss once again.

"Eric and I decided we aren't going to do anything big, despite being our first Christmas. With the baby, we really need to focus on saving some money and getting ready for that." Cassidy smiled at her best friend. She would be finding out the gender in just a few weeks now and she felt like she was going to explode with excitement.

"I still can't believe I'm gonna be an aunt!" Cassidy grinned. "I'm still just stumped. He's got everything he could possibly want, and I can't afford to buy him an expensive ass car." She chuckled. 

"Just don't stress. Just casually start a conversation one day about wanting something and see where it goes." Her best friend laughed into the camera.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." She sighed as she looked down at her free hand.

"Have you guys talked about going public with your engagement yet?" Cassidy looked back up at her friend through the phone.

"We honestly haven't talked about it. If Dre has asked him, he hasn't told me. God, we should probably talk about that." And as if on cue, Austin walked outback with a cigarette already in between his lips. He peered over Cassidy's shoulder, knowing it had to have been Kelsey.

"What's up shitstain?" Kelsey waved at Austin making Cassidy laugh.

"Waddup fart sucker? How's Lil Eric Jr. doin?" He smiled down at the phone.

"Y'all are so nice to one another." Cassidy smiled.

"They're terms of endearment. But look, if it's a boy, he will not and I REPEAT not! Be named Eric Junior." Austin chuckled and shook his head before sitting in the open chair next to Cassidy.

"I'll let you go. Love you." Kelsey spoke up. Cassidy said a quick goodbye and ended the call.

"What's up baby girl?" Austin blew the smoke in the opposite direction.

"Nothing. Just gossiping and trying to figure out what to get you guys for Christmas." Cassidy smirked.

"Don't worry about me. We should do something cool for Brandon though."

"We should! " Cassidy smiled. "I love how much you care about him too, you know?"

"I do. I've said before tho baby, that he's like my little brother too." Austin smiled before tapping his cigarette in the empty bus light can on the table. "But hey, I got a call from the realtor earlier."

Cassidy could tell by his tone something was off. Her anxiety started to bubble again as she stared back at her fiancé. When she didn't audibly reply, Austin continued.

"Someone came and bought the whole building and they're gonna take the offer. Someone wants to level it and build apartments or something." Austin winced slightly when giving the news to his fiancé.

"Fuck man. Can't one god damn thing go right for me? Fuck!" Cassidy set her head back as she looked up at the sky, clearly frustrated.

"I know babe. I'm sorry. I hated having to tell you. But, it might be a sign?"

"How. A sign for what? That I'm not meant to do shit with my life? Austin, I've barely done anything since I've been here! I feel fucking worthless. It's like I've got a fucking black cloud over me at all times." As soon as she said it, she knew Austin was going to bring up therapy. And truth be told, she'd thought about it.

"I know. Don't even say it. I know I should go."

"Look. All I'm saying Cass, is that it might have been a sign that something was wrong with the building, or... I don't know, it just wasn't going to work." Austin reached his hand out to Cassidy and once she took it, he pulled her into his lap. "I love you, you know that right?"

"Of course I do baby." Her voice was soft.

"Come on tour with me. Brandon will be fine. You need to focus on yourself. It'll be like a vacation for you. And when it's done, maybe you'll know what you wanna do. Whether it's work AT a bakery, or own one.. or who the fuck knows.. maybe something completely different. I just think it's something that could help a lot. Just think about it."


"Really? You're not gonna fight me on it?" Austin chuckled.

"No. Because you make a good point and I don't want to admit it." She smiled. "So what should we get for Brandon?"

A/n: hi y'all. Thanks for the continuous love! I hope everyone is still safe out there! I'm trying to keep the motivation going so please don't hesitate to give me feedback!

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