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PostyFest was over and Austin was so happy that it went as smoothly as it did. He was already talking to Dre about setting up 2019. It was honestly a life-changing experience and he was so flattered that it went so well.

Everyone was piled in the Jet, heading back to LA.  Cassidy was currently passed out on Austin's lap, as he rubbed her head.

"Brandon.," Austin whispered to the teenager, trying not to get everyone's attention on the plane. "I have a question man.."

Brandon didn't say anything, instead, he looked up with one eyebrow raised.

"It wouldn't be for a while... But.. how would you feel if I married your sister?"

"Dude seriously?" Brandon broke the hushed tone momentarily before muttering "shit" and covering his mouth.

"Yeah... like I said. It wouldn't be right away... but with.. your parents. I felt like it was important to ask.."

"Hell yeah man. My sister loves you, dude. And I mean, you're a great guy." Austin didn't say anything. He only smiled and gave a small nod.

What felt like hours later, Austin was waking Cassidy up to get off the plane. Part of him wondered if she'd heard their conversation but he didn't want to dwell on it.

Kelsey and Eric Said their goodbyes and made their way home, as Cassidy, Brandon, and Austin went their own way.

Austin momentarily forgot about the break-in incident and remembered that Eric spoke to the police department and they would be meeting Austin at the house.

"What's wrong babe?" Cassidy looked at Austin. She could tell he was tense.

"I didn't tell you, but someone attempted to break into the house last night. They didn't get in, but they broke a camera. There is going to be an officer at the house when we get there." Austin spoke quietly next to Cassidy in the back seat of the Uber.

"Seriously? Austin why wouldn't you tell me this?"

"Because Cass, they didn't get into the house, and I didn't want you to freak out!" Cassidy only rolled her eyes as she turned her head the other direction to look out the window.

They soon pulled up to the long driveway, and sure enough, there was an officer waiting for us at the end of the driveway. Cassidy got out, but hung back and let Austin do the talking.

The conversation was quick. They were going to be on the lookout for any suspects and look deeper into the footage they had before the camera was broken. If they found anything, they would call Austin.

Upon entering the house, Cassidy immediately began to unpack and clean up from their trip. She needed to distract herself from everything she had just learned.

She unpacked both hers and Austin's suitcases and started the laundry that needed to be done, she put the shoes and everything else away and tucked the suitcases away in their closet. She wasn't sure where Austin was, but at this moment, she didn't really care. She was still so annoyed that he didn't tell her.

She decided to run a hot bath in the tub she had yet to use. She turned on the water, allowing the tub to fill up halfway before adding some salts.

She grabbed her phone and turned her Spotify on shuffle before stripping down and lowering herself into the tub and closing her eyes.

She wasn't sure how long she was in there, and she didn't mean to fall asleep, but she had the sudden feeling that she wasn't alone. She opened her eyes and nearly drowned after seeing Austin standing in the doorway.

"Are you trying to kill me you fuck?" She closed her eyes again, but this time to slow her adrenaline down.

"Not yet." He flashed a playful smirk. "You got quiet." She stated.

"Yeah, I needed to clear my head." Austin only nodded his head slowly.

"I'm sorry for not telling you. And I promise I won't keep that shit away from you. Kay?" He smiled innocently. Cassidy wanted to stay mad at him so badly. She just couldn't.

"Kay." She muttered. Cassidy watched as Austin smiled and began to walk towards the tub. Without skipping a beat, or even taking his clothes off, he stepped into the tub and lay across from Cassidy.

Cassidy's mouth fell open as she watched in disbelief. "You are a fucking animal." She laughed. "How can you-you're gonna make a fucking mess babe!" He was now neck-deep in the tub, his long legs were bent and his knees stuck out of the water slightly. He was still wearing his Adidas sweat pants and random band T from the airport.

"It'll be fine. Come here." He held his arms open for her. She hesitated for only a second before giving in and shifting herself to lay I front of him.

They both lay in comfortable silence for a moment.

"I still can't believe you're in the tub fully clothed.." Cassidy chuckled.

A/n: just some fun filler. I'd LOVE to get some more votes on this y'all. I'm still blown away at the love that this has received. Thank you thank you thank you!

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