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The following day Austin woke up relatively early to get into the studio. As he was getting dressed, he realized he'd woken up Cassidy in the process.

"I'm sorry baby. Go back to sleep." He whispered.

"It's okay. I should get up anyway. I'll make sure Brandon's up." Which she did. She threw a hoodie on and walked down the hall. She didn't need to go much further though, as she saw his light on and heard the music coming from his room. She turned around and followed Austin into the kitchen.

"What are you going to do today?" Austin was leaning against the counter tucking a cigarette behind his ear.

"Kelsey wanted to come over at some point, but I know she's working. Maybe I'll look around on line for a bakery."

"You meannnn? A building? Or to apply at?" He grinned.

"Maybe both?" She teased. "Now go, I'm gonna offer to take B to school." She began to push him towards the front door.

"Okay, okay. Let me know how it goes. I love you." He bent down to give his fiancé a quick kiss before walking out the door.

Cassidy offered to take her brother to school, which he was not going to object to. They even stopped at Starbucks along the way. As they pulled up to the school, Cassidy took notice that Lea was waiting out front, and began to walk towards the car. Instead of asking questions, she let Brandon get out unscathed.

"Thanks Cass. I'll see you later." He smiled before shutting her door.

By the time Cassidy got back home, Kelsey was in the driveway waiting. They both got out of their cars and met at the front door.

"Shouldn't you be working?" Cassidy questioned as she unlocked the door.

Kelsey gave a fake cough, "I'm sick?." She chuckled "I knew my favorite Mean Girls scene was going to come in handy. Plus, I needed to see you!"

The girls flopped on the couch. "How's the bean?" Cassidy smiled. Kelsey instinctively placed her hand on her stomach.

"Good. Eric is so excited." She smiled.

"I fucking told you!" Cassidy pointed at her best friend. There was a pause as Kelsey laughed.  "Oh, so. Austin offered to buy me a building to open a bakery.."

"Cass seriously!? That's fucking awesome! Where is it going to be?!"

"Kels slow down," Cassidy chuckled. "I haven't really agreed yet. That's a lot for him to do."

"Yeah and? He can afford it, plus y'all are engaged! Did you forget that?"

Cassidy shook her head playfully. "Of course not, it's just, I don't know.. He's just done so so much for me and I just can't compete with it."

"Cass, it's not about competing with him.." Kelsey's expression turned serious for once, as she sat up straight. "Austin has the means to do these things for you. And I think you know as well as anyone, that not any man would just move his girlfriend and her little brother into his house, let alone a fucking international celebrity.." Cassidy sighed deeply, before Kelsey continued. "Cassidy he's doing this shit because he wants to. Not because he thinks he's getting something or because he thinks he deserves it back. We may get along like cats and dogs, but he's a great guy, and he's fucking head over heels for  you dude. Plus, if you're really worried about it, I know your parents took care of you guys and I know you could afford to pay at least half.. so keep that in mind."

"I fucking hate when you're right." Was all Cassidy said as she sat back against the couch.


Hours later the pair of friends were still deep in their research, both falling down countless rabbit holes of information and new locations. Cassidy realized she hadn't looked at her phone in a while and decided to pick it up.

He replied almost instantly that they should come to the studio and it didn't take long for Cassidy to gather the notes they took and for her and Kelsey to pile into her car

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He replied almost instantly that they should come to the studio and it didn't take long for Cassidy to gather the notes they took and for her and Kelsey to pile into her car.

The drive was short, save from being stuck in the normal LA traffic, and they parked next to Austin's truck. Austin had given Cassidy a key to the side door of the building, so luckily they didn't have to deal with going through the reception area.

As they walked into the studio, Austin sat at the sound board with Dre, Bobby, and their other crew member Smitty that Cassidy had only met a handful of times. Eric was tucked away in the back on his laptop, but hadn't seen Kelsey walk in just yet.

"Hi baby." Austin smiled as he reached out for Cassidy, still sitting in his seat. Cassidy put her hand in his and he pulled her into his lap.

"Let's take a quick break guys." Austin turned to the room before looking back at Cassidy.

"I'd never thought I'd hear those fucking words!" Bobby sprang from his seat, a cigarette already behind his ear. "Hey Cassidy." He pat her shoulder on the way out, Dre and Smitty following close behind. Kelsey had found her spot next to Eric, as they both looked at his laptop.

"So?" Austin grinned at his fiancé. Cassidy pulled the folded notes out of her purse and showed them to Austin.

"So there are a few good ones then?" He spoke, still looking at the notes. There was one that was relatively close to their house and the building it was in looked nice enough.

"I can get with my realtor and possibly go check some of these out tomorrow?"

"Whatever you wanna do babe. How's the album coming?" Cassidy swiftly changed the subject, and shifted her view to the soundboard in front of them.

"Oh fuck baby, it's going really good! That song  "wow" I was telling you about is almost done. It's so sick. I'm already excited to perform it live.

"That's great babe!"

A/n: shitty ending to a crappy chapter. Sorry. I'm trying to get back in the groove. I'm home with my son all day, so we've been hella busy! But fun fact, this chapter is 1000 words exactly! Before the authors note. Keep sending the love y'all cause that keeps me motivated. We're at 33k and it still keeps blowing my mind. 🖤

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